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Kalin Stoyanov invited Sofia Mayor Vasil Terziev to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The new organization in the center of Sofia is an extremely important topic

Jun 28, 2024 09:46 58

Kalin Stoyanov invited Sofia Mayor Vasil Terziev to the Ministry of Internal Affairs  - 1

I don't plan to communicate with Vasil Terziev via SMS and "Vybery", I invite him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wanted to remind Vasil Terziev that the law is for everyone, including the Metropolitan Municipality. There is a court decision that has entered into force, stopping the new organization of the movement.

This was stated to bTV by Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov after appearing on the television of the capital's mayor, Vasil Terziev.

"In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we received many inquiries from citizens from NGOs in connection with the reorganization,", he commented.

After Terziev and the deputy mayor of Sofia have announced that they have stopped the actions, but we see a newly built bus lane. I ask them - does the MIA now have the right to fine the drivers who pass through it, the MIA chief asked.

We want them to secure everything that is built. There is danger for those moving on the road, this is the opinion of the traffic police, added the Minister of the Interior. But he did not specifically specify what the dangers are.

I am not the person who has to see how traffic is organized in Burgas, but the municipal councilor who is calling me, Stoyanov replied to Boris Bonev.

„These three streets are in the center of a European capital. We will drive as it is by law. There is a head of the SDVR, but there is also a minister of the interior. This is an important case study for the residents of the capital. Yes, Vasil Terziev wrote to me that my check yesterday was not correct. Several times I heard the claim that there was a member of the Traffic Police “Road Police” in the Transport Commission in SOS.

Yes, that's right. A protocol has been prepared for a change project for the organization of traffic in the center of Sofia, but this is something that everyone signs that they will work, but there are no documents entered in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which it follows and it is legal “Traffic Police“ to give his opinion. According to this logic, anyone can do anything on the boulevards of Sofia. The person from the traffic police has signed that the work will be done, but there is no document entered in the Ministry of the Interior, explained Stoyanov.

„I will not correspond with Vasil Terziev via SMS and Viber. It sounds absurd for someone to interpret a court decision that is final. Yes, they have stopped. We want them to secure everything they put up. We're not talking about a construction site. There is a danger to the movement of people on the road,” Kalin Stoyanov is categorical about the changes in the center of Sofia.

„I heard and read posts by a municipal councilor about how things were happening in my hometown. How about calling the mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov and asking him. There is no such problem as this in Sofia anywhere. People who are fined for something that is illegal, who will be held responsible? The danger when crossing the central boulevards can be explained by an expert from the “Traffic Police”. "We have not increased the police presence," the Acting Minister of Internal Affairs also said.

„It is very important that when a court decision is not executed – this is an offense under the Penal Code. We will probably notify the prosecutor's office as well. I don't believe that the mayor will be arrested, but if they gather enough evidence, we will act according to the law, Kalin Stoyanov is categorical.