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"Market LINKS": Boyko Borisov's voters do not want new elections

The political class fails to meet basic expectations

Jun 28, 2024 10:09 68

"Market LINKS": Boyko Borisov's voters do not want new elections  - 1

Trust in the 50th National Assembly is 9% at the beginning. 68% have no confidence in the parliament. A situation is reached where there is no political solution. There is no political prospect for stability. The political class fails to meet basic expectations and coverage at the level at which things should happen in a normal and European country“.

That's what he said on “This Morning“ Dobromir Zhivkov, sociologist from Market LINKS.

„We see a clear reluctance for elections and a request to assume responsibility and form a cabinet, form a management formula. Boyko Borisov's voters say they don't want elections. They may be afraid of losing, as the party's trend is negative,” said Dobromir Zhivkov.

According to 20% of those surveyed, the decision before the 50th National Assembly is to broadcast a political-expert cabinet, supported mainly by GERB, DPS and other formations.

„DPS is categorically of the opinion that there should be a government. GERB and Borisov are in a situation where it does not seem clear that they want to enter into a management format, explained Dobromir Zhivkov.

16% are of the opinion that the successful formula for the executive power would be a cabinet of national salvation with the widest possible party support.

7% are for a new government of GERB and PP-DB, but also supported by other formations. 8% define the cabinet of the GERB minority as a successful decision.

23% think there will be new elections in the fall. According to Dobromir Zhivkov, this is due to the large number of people who are not satisfied with the latest election results.

And the study also detects an interesting nuance – 59% of the voters of the party “Greatness” they want new elections.

„They feel strong, on the rise and think they can achieve an even higher result. Rather, there is enthusiasm here and a desire for wider political influence”, Zhivkov specified.

The motivation among the voters of “Revival“ – 47% want another go to the polls.

„They feel harmed by the appearance of no „Greatness”. Here there is a desire for a rematch with the hope that a better result will be achieved, he commented.

The values are also high for “We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria”, BSP and “There is such a people”.

Only 10% of DPS voters and 4% of GERB supporters want new elections.