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Irena Todorova: Society's cynicism has entered the National Assembly

The rhetoric of "Revival" follows a populist textbook, the political scientist believes

Jun 26, 2024 06:13 63

Irena Todorova: Society's cynicism has entered the National Assembly  - 1

„If we carefully follow the rhetoric of “Revival” we will see that she follows a populist textbook. What Kostadinov is doing is giving a clear request that he also has the potential to rule the country and is certainly on the side of the good forces against the bad ones, which are GERB-SDS and DPS”.

This is what political scientist Irena Todorova told NOVA.

In her words, society and politicians have completely broken with the sound logic of how an elite is broadcast, who has the capacity to rule, what politicians should be and what commitments they should make. “This cynicism is also transferred to the National Assembly”, she added.

„Probably, society needs a new political elite to start speaking in some way and listen to people, not to cut off communication with them. Therefore, it is more than important that perhaps worn-out politicians take a step back and start launching new faces,”, noted the political scientist.