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Vanya Grigorova: We have heavy and huge food speculation, but also low incomes

Whether I work in the Sofia Municipal Council or in a trade union, I am still an economist

Jun 27, 2024 18:07 57

Whether I work in the Sofia Municipal Council or in a trade union, I am still economist. I feel no guilt about the ECB report, incomes should rise further. We have heavy and huge food specula.

This was stated in an interview for "Face to Face" the capital municipal councilor Vanya Grigorova.

She explained the inflation in Bulgaria mainly with two things. First of all - the price of electricity as a foundation, secondly - the speculation in food prices.

"We have to look at the graph of how inflation is moving: from mid-2021, when business enters the liberalized free electricity market. In 2022, sanctions were imposed on Russia, fuel prices soared. Inflation is highest in transport - there the biggest expense is fuel. The price of energy is the basis of the growth of inflation. The second reason is the rise in food prices, we have a heavy and huge speculation in food, which has not been controlled by any government in recent years", Grigorova specified.

She is against Bulgaria's entry into the Eurozone and believes that we are not ready for it. "The report points to the weaknesses of our economy. Having our own national currency gives us greater sovereignty and a greater opportunity to lead our economy", is her personal opinion.

Grigorova explained that we will be ready for the euro when the average household income in Bulgaria reaches 80% of the EU average.