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Half of Bulgarians are afraid of the euro

According to "Eurobarometer": 71% of Bulgarians believe that the country will adopt the common currency in the next 5 years.

Jun 29, 2024 22:27 137

Half of Bulgarians are afraid of the euro  - 1
Survey Eurobarometer reveals the attitudes and expectations of Bulgarian citizens towards the introduction of the euro and their expectations for the upcoming information campaign, reported.

Here are some of the main highlights for Bulgaria from the survey:

45% of Bulgarians believe that the adoption of the euro in our country will have benefits, while 49% believe that the consequences will be negative.

65% of the respondents answered that our country is not yet ready to adopt the euro.

Interestingly, an equal number are "for" and "against" Bulgaria to introduce the single currency - 49% each. 55% believe that the country will lose part of its identity by adopting the euro. 50% are of the opinion that control over the national economic policy will be lost.

71% expect the euro to be introduced in Bulgaria within the next 5 years.
