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Bozhidar Bojanov: You see that at the moment Peevski is very strong and hits wherever and whoever he wants

Our government was with GERB, however, when you enter Borisov's office and see Peevski there, you understand that the latter makes the decisions

Jun 27, 2024 18:18 60

You see Peevski is very strong right now and hits wherever and whoever he wants. Our management was with GERB, however, when you enter Borisov's office and see Peevski there, you understand that the latter makes the decisions. Today's case with Andrey Gyurov shows why we wanted the rules for choosing a new leadership of the anti-corruption commission to be adopted as quickly as possible - the current leadership was not chosen according to the purpose with which we created the KPK. GERB delayed these rules and this was indicative of the last months of our joint administration.

This is what he said in the show "Face to Face" on bTV the deputy from "We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria" Bozhidar Bojanov, who comments on the latest political events in the country.

"Talk about the electoral system only masks talk about the main problem we have, which is the judicial system. Until the judicial system is reformed, the backroom will continue to rule. And if we change the electoral system, we will postpone the problems for a while.

You can see that Peevski is currently very strong and hits wherever and whoever he wants, including inside the DPS. This was the reason we wanted reforms in the judiciary, services and regulators. One problem of the PP-DB coalition is that we allowed Peevski so close to power. In reality, GERD "brought" Peevski, but from the side it seemed that we were collaborating with him. Another mistake is the lack of communication with our voters, who thought that we had something to do with Peevski," concluded Bozhidar Bojanov.

"Our management was with GERB, however, when you enter Borisov's office and see Peevski there, you understand that the latter makes the decisions. For me, the government "Denkov" did many things. We listened to Borisov that we only need to plaster one building and we are entering Schengen.

The office "Denkov" plastered this building, the changes in the Constitution were adopted, which, in their part on judicial reform, are important and are not contested by anyone. We have not yet discussed the third term because it is a crisis. The first and second terms are important. Only a few months ago there was a regular government and GERB and DPS overthrew it. GERB sent us to elections under a working government.

Yes, there could be changes in the government because there were non-working ministers, but everything could be negotiated. Now the GERB is getting this intelligence that comes later, and they still want us to rule together. There's no way this is happening. The office "Denkov" fell because of judicial reform. No one wants to rule now. Borisov also doesn't want to rule, because he is aware that he will rule Peevski through the backstage and the control of the services," Bojanov added.