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Prof. Kostadin Nushev: I am somewhat surprised by the names of the three candidates for patriarch

The choice will fall on one of the Vratsa metropolitan Grigoriy, the Vidin metropolitan Danail and the Lovchan metropolitan Gavrail

Jun 29, 2024 07:46 148

Prof. Kostadin Nushev: I am somewhat surprised by the names of the three candidates for patriarch  - 1

The Patriarchal Electoral Assembly with delegates is scheduled for June 30 from the 15 dioceses of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. 145 voters and members of this Council will elect a Bulgarian patriarch from among Metropolitan Grigoriy of Vratsa, Metropolitan Danail of Vidin and Metropolitan Gavrail of Lovchan. A procedure, which has the character of a majority election, awaits us to elect the new Bulgarian patriarch.

This is what he said about the program “Bulgaria, Europe and the world in focus" on Radio “Focus" the theologian Assoc. Kostadin Nushev.

In his words, he was to some extent surprised by their choice, and to some extent not. Metropolitan Gregory, as the interim acting of the blessedly retired Patriarch Neophyte, shows that he enjoys the necessary trust and support and after this election has passed he can be one of the three eligible candidates. “He was one of the favorites in this election. Metropolitan Gabriel was also chosen among the three candidates in the previous Patriarchal election, so it could be assumed that he was among the likely candidates.

The biggest surprise is related to Metropolitan Danail of Vidin, he is among the youngest metropolitans and most expectations were directed at others, a little older in terms of metropolitan experience, more familiar and prominent figures. With the three, surprises can be expected after being included in the list of eligibles. Among them, the most worthy should be found, who will be elected as the new Bulgarian patriarch and who will occupy the Bulgarian patriarchal throne", explained Prof. Kostadin Nushev.

“After the announcement of the election, the delegates of the Patriarchal Electoral Council will sit and when the Electoral Bureau announces the result of the election, the enthronement procedure immediately follows. This is the liturgical sequence with which the elected patriarch in the patriarchal cathedral temple-monument “St. Alexander Nevsky" officially occupies his chair. Cathedral means that seat-throne which is in the patriarchal cathedral. The enthronement is planned to be held in the patriarchal cathedral in the afternoon.

This is the liturgical sequence in which the new patriarch will receive the signs, the insignia of the patriarchal dignity - the patriarchal crown, the patriarchal mantle, the patriarchal scepter and the so-called white patriarchal veil. Our metropolitans, as equals in honor and dignity, wear the monastic veil, which is black in color, and only the first among them in honor, the Bulgarian patriarch, as a representative and superior, receives a white veil. We hope, with God's help, to have a fourth patriarch elected and enthroned," explained Prof. Kostadin Nushev.

The rumors about foreign influences in the election of the patriarch are para-ecclesiastical, political, ideological influences and attempts to influence the Holy Synod. The procedure for electing a patriarch is so canonically constructed that it is very difficult to influence the 15 metropolitans. Politicians, party leaders speak on this topic, which represents political interference in the internal church life, since the church is separated from the state and all these canonical procedures, according to its statutes, must be extremely independent and unaffected by political suggestions and influences.

The Bulgarian president responded to these demands by pointing out that Orthodoxy should stay away from any political populism or demagogic speculation on matters of faith. It is important that we take care that politicians and all public figures do not use ideology, propaganda, do not try to indoctrinate through their political views and mix the faith, creed, spiritual truths and values of Orthodoxy with their narrow party ideology.

“The death of Patriarch Neophyte gave rise to many speculations, tensions, difficulties, which speaks for itself that the next patriarch must be to a large extent a continuation of the ministry, of the spirit of peacemaking, of public responsibility of the church, search for consent, of assembly. And not admitting the various political influences and divisions that appeared after the Zemana concin of the Bulgarian Patriarch Neofit.

This means choosing an experienced, mature, wise bishop who will enter into inter-church relations diplomatically, but who will always defend the freedom, independence and dignity of the Bulgarian Patriarchate. Not to be suspected or regarded as a conduit of any foreign influences, as an advocate of a one-sided tendency in church life. This is the difficult and responsible thing, and we must pray for wisdom and blessing for all these voters to find the most correct path and to choose and confirm the most worthy and most suitable bishop as possible for the new Bulgarian patriarch", said Prof. Kostadin Nushev.

“Society is excited about the election of a new patriarch, because the Bulgarian Patriarchate is a national institution. Every Bulgarian is excited about who and what his patriarch will be. All Bulgarians respect the church for being a centuries-old, thousand-year-old spiritual institution, a bearer of faith, morality, values, a pillar of public morality. The Constitution also states that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is a religious institution of the traditional religion of the Republic of Bulgaria.

And in the Law on Religions it is said that the BOC has not only historical merits for society, but also very important social and political importance in today's society. I hope that the next Bulgarian patriarch, through openness, dialogue and active communication with the media, will reach the whole society and find a way and a way to speak with spiritual authority to all Bulgarians, and to those who are outside the borders of the homeland, because they are spiritual shepherds, teachers of the entire Bulgarian people, and of those who identify with Bulgaria" concluded Prof. Kostadin Nushev.