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Borislav Sarafov ordered an inspection of the work of a prosecutor from Sofia

The inspection should end with the preparation of a report

Jul 1, 2024 13:04 72

Borislav Sarafov ordered an inspection of the work of a prosecutor from Sofia  - 1

I.f. chief prosecutor Borislav Sarafov ordered the department “Inspector“ at the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, the performance of a comprehensive inspection of the work of Dimitar Frantisek Petrov, prosecutor in the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office, for the period from 30.06.2021 to 28.06.2024. The inspection is required in order to ensure the exact and uniform application of the laws by prosecutors and investigators and in view of numerous negative publications in mass media related to the magistrate's work.

The leaderships of the PRB and the SGP distinguish themselves and find the verdict of Petrov in pre-trial proceedings initiated in May of this year to be incorrect and vicious. The administrative heads of the PRB and SGP have repeatedly stated that they do not interfere in the work of the supervising prosecutors, but at the same time it should be borne in mind that, along with the internal conviction, when ruling on criminal proceedings, the supervising prosecutors should be guided by the relevant legislation, as well as from the evidence collected in the case.

Within the audit of the department “Inspector“ at the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, the work of prosecutor Petrov from the SGP over the past three years will be checked: pending pre-trial proceedings, the timeliness of the investigation into them, the timeliness and motivation of the requests to extend the period of the investigations, the timely and effective exercise of the powers under the Criminal Procedure Code for management and supervision of the investigation, etc.; unfinished files; suspended pre-trial proceedings, implemented institutional, official and judicial control of the suspension, etc.; terminated pre-trial proceedings, on which no judicial or instance/official control has been carried out; cases filed in court; ruled refusals to initiate pre-trial proceedings; acquittals, prepared appellate and cassation protests; pending cases and pre-trial proceedings; workload; reports filed with the relevant prosecutor's office in view of data on disciplinary violations and others.

The inspection should end with the preparation of a report, the data of which can be used to take subsequent disciplinary measures.