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Blue Bulgaria: The proposed government from GERB will be a hostage of the DPS

It is useless and does not provide a perspective for achieving the strategic goals and stability of Bulgaria

Jul 3, 2024 09:41 72

Blue Bulgaria: The proposed government from GERB will be a hostage of the DPS  - 1

Blue Bulgaria is an extra-parliamentary opposition. In a declaration of June 23, 2024 we have stated that Blue Bulgaria will be a right-wing conservative opposition to the entire current parliamentary status quo, because we are convinced that the possibility of successful governance and a good future passes through the implementation of policies other than those proposed. They write in an official address to the media from Blue Bulgaria.

In today's parliament, there is no political force that protects the goals and priorities set in the Blue Bulgaria program. The current parliament can produce a government that will only reproduce the previous vicious model of the conquered state dominating the economy and public relations. The proposed GERB minority government will be hostage to DPS, floating majorities and dirty political deals. It is useless and does not provide a perspective for achieving the strategic goals and stability of Bulgaria.