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Accident leaves half of Pernik without water

Water supply is suspended this morning at 8:00 a.m.

Jul 2, 2024 06:21 74

Accident leaves half of Pernik without water  - 1

Half of Pernik will be without water today due to an accident, the local water supply company announced, BNR reported.

Watering stops this morning at 8:00.

Until the accident is resolved, there will be no water in the central part of the city and in the neighborhoods "Prophylactorium", "Kalkas", "Mogilice", "Varos", "Draganovets", "Research", " White Water", "Stara Cheshma" and "Radina fountain". The city of Batanovtsi and the villages of Bogdanov dol, Jardzhilovtsi, Vitanovtsi and Meshtitsa will also be without water.

The leak is on one of the branches of Main Branch 1 of the Pernik water system. The accident is not a big one and they hope it will be fixed quickly. This could not be done, however, without shutting off the water to half the town, for when the diversion was made no tap had been installed. We will install a tap, said Borislav Ivanov, the manager of the Waterworks. This will significantly reduce the perimeter in which, in case of possible new accidents, it will be necessary to stop the water.