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Metropolitan Antony: Humility has been declining for decades

Politicians are extremely divided, driven by their egos, the cleric believes

Jul 4, 2024 07:17 54

Metropolitan Antony: Humility has been declining for decades  - 1

"Humility is a supreme virtue, which seems to be declining among our politicians, among the citizens of our country, in recent decades , because humility in the church has always been a leading virtue and a pledge for the repentance that we acquire through humility in order to justify ourselves before God. The people are too divided, the politicians are extremely divided, driven by their ego or the thought of fulfilling this duty given to them by their voters, but without humility.

This was stated by the Western and Central European Metropolitan Anthony in "Day ON AIR".

The Holy Synod has never been divided like the Bulgarian politicians or society, he believes.

"In the Holy Synod, we very often had different opinions among ourselves, driven by emotion, by having the best judgment, but in the end, the Holy Synod always came out with its wise decisions. The governance of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is synodal, conciliar. If one or another metropolitan goes astray in making his decision, it can be corrected by the general voice of the church. The Holy Synod is united and has yet to work for the good and the unity and prosperity of this nation, which is increasingly divided", added Metropolitan Antony to Bulgaria ON AIR.

According to his words, we will know the new patriarch by deeds, and he and the Holy Synod have a lot of work ahead of them.

"In these times of roadlessness, lack of leadership in society, it seems that many recognize the church as an informal leader that must become a real leader of society to lead it out of these difficult political crises, difficult times of division and lack of love in our society and above all to take care of the little ones", commented the guest.

According to Metropolitan Antony, the church should not be a conduit for division in society.

"These decisions are controversial in the church, because if one or another metropolitan has his personal opinion, they are not the voice of the whole church. Anyone can come to speak as a metropolitan, but when a decision is sought on a given question, the general decision of the Holy Synod must be awaited, and it must be unemotional. Unlike secular politics, church politics is connected to the eternal life to which we are called while living here on earth," he pointed out.