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The "Glavchev" office holds a regular meeting

It starts at 10 a.m.

Jul 3, 2024 06:14 107

The "Glavchev" office holds a regular meeting  - 1

The Council of Ministers will hold a meeting on Wednesday, July 3, at 10 a.m.

This was announced by the government information service. The meeting will take place with the following preliminary agenda:

1. Draft Decision on state investment loans and state guarantees in 2025

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

2. Draft Decision on declaring March 31 a professional holiday for the internal auditor.

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

3. Draft Decision on Adoption of a National Program for Donation Promotion and Transplant Support in the Republic of Bulgaria 2024-2028.

Submitted by: the Minister of Health

4. Draft Decision on Designation of “Specialized Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital for Active Treatment Prof. Dr. Dimitar Stamatov - Varna" Ltd. - Varna, for a university hospital.

Submitted by: the Minister of Health

5. Report on approving the results of the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the meeting of the Council of the European Union on employment, social policy, health care and consumer affairs, part “Health“, held on June 21, 2024 in Luxembourg.

Submitted by: the Minister of Health

6. Draft Decision to approve a draft Letter of Intent between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Ministry of Defense of the Italian Republic and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia regarding the establishment of a harmonized military mobility corridor between their countries within the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 8.

Submitted by: the Minister of Defence

7. Draft decisions on a proposal to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria for the issuance of decrees for the release from office, appointment to a position and awarding a high military rank to an officer of the high command staff, for the appointment to a post and awarding a high military rank to a serviceman, for release from the position and appointment to the position of an officer with a higher military rank and for the appointment to a position and awarding a higher military rank to a serviceman.

Submitted by: the Minister of Defence

8. Draft Decision to approve the number of students and doctoral students accepted for study in the state higher schools and scientific organizations of the Republic of Bulgaria during the academic year 2024 - 2025.

Submitted by: the Minister of Education and Science

9. Draft Decree on the approval of additional expenses under the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science for 2024.

Submitted by: the Minister of Education and Science

10. Draft Decision on the approval of application and tuition fees in state higher education institutions and scientific organizations for the academic year 2024 - 2025.

Submitted by: the Minister of Education and Science

11. Draft Decision on Approving the Report of the Interdepartmental Commission on Export Control and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction to the Minister of Economy and Industry on the Implementation of the Law on Export Control of Defense-Related Products and Dual-Use Products and Technologies for 2023 Mr.

Introduced by: the Minister of Economy and Industry

12. Report on approving the position of the Republic of Bulgaria for participation in the informal meeting of the Council of the European Union on Competitiveness, part "Internal Market and Industry", which will be held on July 8 and 9, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.

Introduced by: the Minister of Economy and Industry

The Cabinet “Glavchev“ report what has been done since the beginning of the mandate

13. Report on approving the results of the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the meeting of the Council of the European Union on Competitiveness, parts "Internal Market and Industry", "Scientific Research" and “Outer Space" held on 23 and 24 May 2024 in Brussels.

Introduced by: the Minister of Economy and Industry

14. Draft Decision on the establishment of a gratuitous right of use for a period of three years for carrying out field studies and conservation of the late antique and medieval fortress "Mother's Tower", located in a land in a forest area - private state property, with identifier 20585.35.1 in Delchevo village, Gotse Delchev municipality, Blagoevgrad region.

Introduced by: the Minister of Agriculture and Food

15. Draft Decision on the establishment of a gratuitous right of use for a period of three years to carry out field studies and conservation of an ancient fortress, marked on Roman maps with the name “Erite", located on a piece of land in a forest area - private state property, with identifier 04426.102.258 in the village of Bliznatsi, Avren municipality, Varna region.

Introduced by: the Minister of Agriculture and Food

16. Draft Decree on making changes to the maximum amounts of commitments for expenses that can be undertaken in 2024 under the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for 2024 approved by the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2024.< /p>

Introduced by: the Minister of Agriculture and Food

17. Report on approving the results of the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the meeting of the "Justice and Internal Affairs" Council. of the European Union, part “Internal Affairs", held on 13 June 2024 in Luxembourg.

Introduced by: the Minister of the Interior

18. Draft Decision on declaring a property - public state property, on a property - private state property, and on its gratuitous transfer to the ownership of the municipality of “Rodopi", Plovdiv region.

Submitted by: the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works

19. Draft Decree amending and supplementing Decree No. 240 of the Council of Ministers of 2019 on the establishment of a National Coordination Mechanism for the Rule of Law and a Council for its Implementation.

Submitted by: the Minister of Justice

20. Draft Resolution approving additional expenses/transfers for 2024 for the payment of scholarships and one-time financial support under the Program of Measures for the Protection of Gifted Children from State, Municipal and Private Schools in 2024, adopted by Resolution No. 162 of the Council of Ministers from 2024

Introduced by: the Minister of Youth and Sports

21. Draft Decree amending and supplementing the Organizational Regulations of the State Agency "State Reserve and Wartime Stocks", adopted by Decree No. 13 of the Council of Ministers of 2004

Introduced by: the Prime Minister

22. Draft Decision to approve a draft Law on credit servicers and credit buyers.

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

23. Draft Decision on the approval of a draft Law amending the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2024.

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

24. Draft Decision to approve a draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Financial Collateral Contracts.

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

25. Draft Decision approving a draft Law amending and supplementing the Law on Independent Financial Auditing.

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

26. Draft Decision to approve a draft Law amending and supplementing the Accounting Law.

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

27. Draft Decree amending and supplementing the Ordinance on specifying irregularities constituting grounds for carrying out financial corrections and the percentage indicators for determining the amount of financial corrections in accordance with the Law on the Management of the European Structural and Investment Funds, adopted by Decree no. 57 of the Council of Ministers of 2017

Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

28. Draft Decision on the approval of a draft Law to supplement the Commercial Law.

Submitted by: the Minister of Justice

29. Draft Decree amending Decree No. 167 of the Council of Ministers of 2024 to supplement the Tariff for state fees collected by the Registration Agency, adopted by Decree No. 243 of the Council of Ministers of 2005.

Submitted by: the Minister of Justice

30. Draft Decree amending and supplementing the Regulations for the Implementation of the Law on the Ownership and Use of Agricultural Lands, adopted by Decree No. 74 of the Council of Ministers of 1991.

Introduced by: the Minister of Agriculture and Food
