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Terziev: We will hold a new competition for the restoration of the Soldier's Monument in front of the NDK

"The topic of this monument also has a special, personal meaning for me. My great-grandfather, Iliya Ivanov, was a participant in all three wars - the Balkan War, the Inter-Allied War and the First World War. He was captured and as a prisoner of war for two years he worked on the construction of the road between Drama and Kavala

Jul 3, 2024 07:46 72

Terziev: We will hold a new competition for the restoration of the Soldier's Monument in front of the NDK  - 1

The Mayor of Sofia Vasil Terziev announced that he had decided to terminate the procedure for holding a competition for the restoration of the Soldier's Monument in the space in front of the National Palace of Culture.

“Before the local elections, the fourth consecutive competition for the restoration of the Soldier's Monument in the space in front of the National Palace of Culture began. This monument is the subject of many disputes and is an example of the need to have a conscious discussion about our history as a society”, Terziev wrote.

“The theme of this monument also has a special, personal meaning for me. My great-grandfather, Iliya Ivanov, was a participant in all three wars - the Balkan War, the Inter-Allied War and the First World War. He was captured and as a prisoner of war worked for two years on the construction of the road between Drama and Kavala. He was wounded in the thigh and the bullet was not removed, but came out on its own when my great grandfather was over 70 years old. During these two years, while he was a prisoner of war, his wife and child also died. Thousands of other Bulgarian families have similar stories. And they should not leave a drop of doubt in anyone's mind - the memory of the soldiers who died in the Balkan War, the Inter-Allied War and the First World War must and will be honored, added the mayor.

He pointed out that this can be done without doubts about the legitimacy of the contest, without tensions between communities.

“We are starting to work with the professional organizations and will start this month with a meeting for public discussion of the competitions held over the years and the weaknesses and mistakes that we must correct,” added the mayor.

“That is why I decided to terminate the current procedure for conducting the competition. We will hold a new competition and we will include in it respected urban planners, architects, artists, sculptors, historians, sociologists, professional organizations, associations of citizens”, the mayor wrote.

He assured that efforts will be made to include as many creatives as possible with projects in the next competition.

“We will look for different points of view and rely on data and analysis of public opinion. We will do everything necessary to make the whole process open and public, because we will talk about history and heritage, about art and diversity, about where we come from and where we want to go as a society. And above all, we will hold an honest, apolitical conversation - because both the past and the future demand it, concluded the mayor.

We remind you that in the competition for the restoration of the memorial of the First Infantry Sofia and Sixth Infantry Turnov Regiments of the First Infantry Sofia Division, as is the full name of the project, five proposals participated. They were examined by an 11-member jury, representatives of various organizations and institutions.