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Strahil Deliyski: A government with a third mandate is not impossible. It can be told and "sold" to the people

"Greatness Party" or the systemic alternative, because as such it was constructed and recognized, is a mirror image of the dominant elite and the system. In other words - the more grotesque the official version of politics, the more grotesque and absurd the established political elite looks," commented the political scientist

Jul 6, 2024 10:38 102

Strahil Deliyski: A government with a third mandate is not impossible. It can be told and "sold" to the people  - 1

If a third-term government happens, it will be suspected of being "conceived in sin”. He said this in interview for the show "Newsroom" on Radio "Focus“ the political scientist Strahil Deliyski.

"Not that our political system will not withstand another suspicion of the Fall, but it will have too many. Still, a third-term government is not impossible. It can be told and "sold” of the people. It is a matter of political imagination and political will, because simply the request: "Give it to me, I will do it” is not enough. It may be sufficient from the point of view of conceit, but not for making a cabinet. We see that even an experienced politician like Boyko Borisov once again fails, as if this time deliberately, forgetting that representative democracy, especially in the regime of a proportional system, which presupposes the presence of multiple parties in the National Assembly, requires in addition to winning the votes to 1/8 or 1/10 of the voters, but also to form a government”, he commented.

"If we think politically about the realistic options, they should be in the order of forming a majority or some other configuration in the National Assembly that leads to the production of an executive power and a government. If politicians think in political categories and those of representative democracy, it would be realistic to have a regular cabinet. But it seems increasingly unrealistic to have a government, which means that political leaders do not think in the categories we talk about. And when political leaders do not think in terms of representative democracy, then we have weak political leadership. And a weak political leadership cannot produce a strong political result”, he commented.

"The point of elections is not for a few leaders to insult each other and various fan groups to hate each other more and more. The purpose of the elections is to produce representation, on the basis of which a government can then be formed," explained Deliyski and added: "Parties are entering a mode of diminishing support, they must fulfill their main function, because support will become even thinner. But we see that the leaders are playing a different game, not that of political logic”.

The split in the DPS parliamentary group during the vote of the cabinet "Zhelyazkov“ in the plenary hall, Strahil Deliyski commented as follows: "It is clear that the crisis of the active political parties in Bulgaria cannot bypass the DPS. It is clear that the lack of a clear guide as to who governs and who is in opposition worries various circles, especially those who rely for their business on public funds. When there is no government, state capitalists do not know who to ask. When they do not know from whom to ask, they stop wishing and give to someone. This immediately hits the ability of political parties to develop, because politics needs money and the cycle closes. At the same time, there is no attempt by the political parties to seek legitimacy beyond the support of their big sponsors, namely the citizens. On the contrary, from election to election they become more and more closed in their campaigns. As a result of all this, we neither have working parties nor a cabinet, we are about to lose the fragile remaining understanding that democracy is some kind of meaningful procedure and regime after all. This is dangerous“.

"Party "Majesty“ or the systemic alternative, because as such it was constructed and recognized, is a mirror image of the dominant elite and the system. In other words – the more grotesque the official version of politics, the more grotesque and absurd the established political elite looks, the more grotesque and absurd its alternative looks too”, the political scientist commented on the collapse of the parliamentary group of "Greatness”.< /p>

According to him, Bulgaria has two paths: "One is to say: "Representative democracy does not work, let us look for something more stable”. This is logic of the type: "Because Levski and CSKA cannot play football, let us ban football in Bulgaria”. The other option is to say: "Football is not a bad game, let's see if they can learn to play“. If we enter the political field, it means – healing of the political parties as a matter of urgency, but also the development of a true democratic civil culture. There are many things, I'm afraid, that seem too difficult and time-consuming, and we can easily give up on this path and try to go in some other direction. In Bulgaria, there will always be candidates for Caesar, Bonaparte, Führer or Duce, but before we give up and go in that direction, it is good to try to teach the players of parliamentary democracy to play well“, concluded Strahil Deliyski.