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The "Retaining Wall" of Aleppo is legal, the Supreme Court finally ruled

According to the project, a large residential building with apartments will be built in the Aleppo area within two years, said Stoyan Vassilev from the company investor of the project

Jul 4, 2024 16:36 87

The "Retaining Wall" of Aleppo is legal, the Supreme Court finally ruled  - 1

„The Retaining Wall&rdquo ; in the Aleppo area near Sozopol was legally built. This is the final decision of a 5-member panel of the Supreme Court.
The magistrates annulled the act of former acting regional minister Ivan Shishkov from the government of Galab Donev. He refused to approve the project. The Supreme Court decided that his actions were illegal.

The project “Aleppo Village” for the construction of a residential building with 90 holiday apartments will be completed, announced the investor company “Briz 2000” for BNR.

According to the project, a large residential building with apartments will be built in the Aleppo area within two years, said Stoyan Vasilev from the project's investor company. “The preliminary consent is yet to be issued. We will submit documents to the Municipality of Sozopol to approve the projects and to issue a building permit. We start moving the documents. I hope we will have a construction permit by the end of the year," he added.
„The first stage of the project has been completed. It includes the construction of a retaining wall strengthening the coast. The problem is that the construction deviates from the agreed documents, because the retaining wall has rooms that look like rooms and elevator shafts, which is apparently part of a 4-story apartment building. An EIA must be prepared for future construction, said Toma Belev from the Green Movement. before the BNR.

„There is no loophole in the issue of compliance with environmental legislation. This construction cannot continue if there is no eco-assessment of the development plan or there is no EIA of the very intention to build such a huge complex”, Belev said.
By the end of 2024, the investor company of the project will try to acquire the documents, including a building permit, for the completion of the large residential complex in the area of “Aleppo”.