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VAS canceled the eco-stickers for cars

The idea of the measure was to limit the movement of highly polluting cars in the central city parts

Jul 21, 2024 15:33 83

VAS canceled the eco-stickers for cars  - 1

A three-member panel of the Supreme Administrative Court canceled the eco-stickers for cars that were introduced in Bulgaria in 2021. The patches were obtained upon passing an annual technical inspection. Georgi Gvozdeikov's department announced that they will appeal the decision before a five-member panel of the court, NOVA reported.

The idea of the measure was to limit the movement of highly polluting cars in the central city areas.

The court's decision again raised the question of whether eco-stickers are necessary at all and whether drivers should not be able to raise their eco category after modifications to the car.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications is currently analyzing the court decision and refrains from commenting at this stage, according to the department's position.

According to lawyer Petar Slavov, the stickers are meaningless, because the necessary technology to read the data from the chip in the eco-sticker does not work anywhere in our country.

“For the past three years, not a single reader has been installed to read the data from the chips in the ecostickers that contain information about your exhaust gases,” he says, but says annual MOTs are becoming more expensive because the ecosticker is tied to the one for technical serviceability.

“Three years ago, the GTP was about 40 leva, now if you find one for 80 leva, you raise a banquet. Even for over 100 BGN, there are”, says Slavov.

According to others, the eco-sticker should remain and all others should be removed and implemented in the eco-sticker. “Thus, there will not be five stickers, but there will be only one, which will have all the information and will be really useful for the state,”, Dunev believes.