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Radan Kanev: Peevski is simply the face, the pincer of a much more complex network of shadow power in our country

"DPS is a political organization through which the Bulgarian services and the entire network that binds the security sector, justice, organized crime, exercise political influence" , said Kanev

Jul 22, 2024 08:04 161

Radan Kanev: Peevski is simply the face, the pincer of a much more complex network of shadow power in our country  - 1

„If the reform in the security sector does not happen, a new Peevski will appear. Peevski is simply the face, the tongs, the instrument of a much more complex network of shadow power in Bulgaria, I would even say it turned out to be a rather clumsy tongs. He himself caused this crisis with his behavior.

This was stated by the MEP from “Democrats for a strong Bulgaria” and the European People's Party Radan Kanev in “120 minutes“.
„DPS is a political organization through which the Bulgarian services and the entire network that binds the security sector, justice, organized crime, exercise political influence. When there is such a political force that exercises an illegitimate power of the services over public policy, it is normal for conflicts that happen behind the scenes to break out in public at some point, Kanev said.
According to him, the events in the DPS bring to the surface precisely the problem in our security services.

„The task of the politicians is to make it impossible for the state apparatus to engage in party politics and corrupt purposes, because this is the basis of the conflict. Not digging into what's going on underneath, but making it impossible for it to happen in the future.
According to Kanev, the declaration proposed by PP-DB is precisely in this spirit and is “the beginning of a possible serious political conversation in which the reform of the services is part of a bolder plan for the future of our society”. >

„If the weeks ahead can be devoted to legislative work, and not the black campaign to start again. This will give a chance for the conversation in the next parliament to start”, the MEP pointed out.
„We wanted to give an opportunity and occasion for people who do not talk to each other to sit down and start the political conversation about the future. A portion of the points are short-term – to pass the laws because of which we cannot get the Recovery Plan money. There is also a long-term plan – to start the institutional reform that will lead us to a society in which the services deal with security, not with spoofing, theft, media attacks, private prosecutorial actions, etc. and to have the rule of law”, added Radan Kanev.
In his words, the PP-DB is ready to work in a “mode of a mature collective political process”.

„The second more important thing is to start producing a real political product. The opposite is to put Boyko and Peevski on a billboard like a pig and a pumpkin and count on someone to vote for you for that reason. "No one will vote for me because I drew a pumpkin," Kanev said.