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The Solingen bomber was in the accommodation center for Busman refugees

Then he was lost

Aug 27, 2024 05:28 161

The Solingen bomber was in the accommodation center for Busman refugees  - 1

The Syrian suspect in the knife attack in Solingen has spent almost a week in the reception center for refugees in Busmantsi in 2022, BNT reported.

Issa Alhassan has passed a security check. He was in the sights of the Bulgarian authorities for about a week, after which his traces were lost. A year later, in May, he was discovered in Germany and had to be returned to Bulgaria.

The State Agency for Refugees stated for Around the World and in our country that at the moment Bulgaria is not the responsible member state and has no obligation to accept the Syrian citizen on its territory, as the terms for transfer under the Dublin Regulation have expired.< /p>

Issa Alhassan was registered in the database of the State Agency for Refugees on 7 December 2022 as a seeker of international protection. He was then admitted to the home for temporary accommodation of foreigners in Busmantsi, after a security check.

During the procedure for considering his application for protection, an opinion was requested from the National Security Agency, which is mandatory by law. However, he did not wait for the decision, as he left the reception center on December 14. From there, they immediately report his absence to the Ministry of the Interior. How Alhassan managed to leave the country remains a mystery.

In the first months of 2023, however, he again came under the scrutiny of the Bulgarian authorities. A readmission request under the Dublin Regulation has been received from Germany. Our country then sent a positive response, the Syrian was supposed to be returned to Bulgaria on the fifth of June last year, but the transfer was never carried out.

"The Solingen bombing is a typical example of a lone wolf attack. This recognition by the "Islamic State" not atypical. What amazes me, however, is that the alleged perpetrator surrendered. This is something we have not encountered so far among Islamists," said Mariyan Sabev - senior analyst at the Center for the Study of Democracy.

Whether the Syrian suspect in the knife attack was radicalized in Europe is still an unanswered question. However, experts warn that in recent months, Islamic propaganda has been strongly activated. "Islamic State - Khorasan" have the most cells in Germany, says journalist Mohamed Khalaf.

"A new organization appears in Germany, Muslim Interactive" it is led by Rahim Gottenberg. He is currently organizing many protests and calling for the restoration of the Islamic caliphate in Germany. Another one is called "True Islam", we have another organization called "Islamic Generation". The influence is strongest in "Tik-Tok", where the war in Gaza is used as the main fuel for propaganda. They recruit them on social networks and start brainwashing them. There are various masked people calling for revenge, attacks on people who support Israel. The biggest threat is in Germany and the Scandinavian countries and the most in Sweden. Organized crime is already merging with Islamic organizations there," commented Mohammed Khalaf - a journalist.

Reports by Europol show that persons between the ages of 13 and 19 are regularly exposed to propaganda through social networks. It turns out that the majority of young people who are sent messages with hate speech and calls for jihad are mainly European citizens, and not so much migrants or refugees.

"Individuals receive ready-made information packages. Materials with which they can familiarize themselves with how to prepare some kind of attack, but no one talks about the statistics of the sleeping cells", Mariyan Sabev pointed out.

"Many politicians and statesmen in Germany say that these are marginals who do not pose a threat to the country's security. How not to represent they are organizing and increasing", explained Mohamed Khalaf.

According to experts and analysts, the military actions in Gaza hide the danger of activating various terrorist sleeper cells in Europe.