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The Minister of Defense: The black box of the crashed L-39 plane has been found

Two main versions of the tragic incident are being investigated

Sep 13, 2024 19:42 148

The Minister of Defense: The black box of the crashed L-39 plane has been found  - 1

The black box of the crashed L-39 plane has been found, the minister of defense Atanas Zapryanov.

"It will be read. This is a complex approach. In addition to what the investigators will decipher in the black box, they will get to know all the preparations for conducting this flight. Let's wait for the investigation.

Two main versions of the tragic accident are being investigated - a technical problem or pilot error. Before the flight, a technical inspection of the aircraft was carried out.

"A plane cannot take off without the technicians checking it and signing off. Let's see what the inquest has to say, because things often happen when everything is fine. A technical error has not been ruled out, but another version is also being investigated - a pilot error," Zapryanov explained.

The crashed plane underwent modernization in the Czech Republic and has been in flight since June, having completed almost 65 flight hours. According to the experts' conclusion, the plane was "almost like new" after the repair.

The minister confirmed that the exercise performed by the two pilots was done many times at the base in Dolna Mitropolia, and the pilots are exceptional professionals.

"At the moment I cannot accuse anyone, there is a pre-trial proceeding. Let's let the investigation finish and then we will officially release information. If there are conclusions, reasons and culprits, of course, we will take the necessary measures".

Zapryanov defined the incident as a heavy blow for him: "During my short term as a caretaker minister, I daily appeal to the parliament, politicians, and society to support us (for the modernization of the army - footnote). Parliament has already made a decision regarding pay, capital costs have increased, but we cannot replace the equipment in one day.

Zapryanov expressed his condolences to the families of the dead and assured that he would do everything in his power to assist them.