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After more than a century, cholera has returned to Bulgaria

It concerns a 23-year-old Indian citizen living in Bulgaria

Sep 13, 2024 17:54 378

After more than a century, cholera has returned to Bulgaria  - 1

An imported case of cholera has been registered in Bulgaria. It is about a 23-year-old Indian citizen living in our country, who was in New Delhi, India, between August 13 and September 2.

The capital's Regional Health Inspectorate (SRHI) reports on the confirmed case. The patient fell ill on September 3 due to acute diarrhea, with no other complaints. A laboratory test was carried out, which was subsequently confirmed at the National Laboratory for Particularly Dangerous Bacterial Infections at the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

The patient is isolated in a room with a private bathroom in the Department of Parasitic and Infectious Diseases "Prof. Ivan Kirov“. It is in good general condition. In the same hospital, a person with whom the patient lives, determined by the National Health Service as a close contact, has also been placed under mandatory quarantine. So far, he has no complaints, as he has a negative test result and has been given antibiotic prophylaxis.

In the course of the conducted epidemiological study, no other contact persons were identified. The patient did not visit public places, including restaurants and others. In the medical institution, a prescription was handed over for compliance with a strict anti-epidemic regimen, enhanced disinfection, wearing of personal protective equipment by the staff, in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Cholera is a highly contagious disease transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food or water. It is characterized by intoxication, damage to the small intestine, gastrointestinal manifestations, dehydration, severe course and high mortality. Transmission of the disease to humans occurs through consumption of contaminated water, food, and contaminated hands and objects.

By the beginning of the 19th century, cholera was prevalent mainly in India, with the Ganges River being the main source of infection. From the 1920s, the disease spread to other countries, causing pandemics with millions of victims. In Bulgaria, cholera has been a serious problem six times. The last epidemic in our country was registered in 1914 – 1918. Then the disease was imported through Romania, with 845 infected and 146 deaths registered for the specified period. The last case of cholera in the country was registered in 1921 and it was imported again.

Thanks to the purification and chlorination of drinking water, the disease was later virtually eradicated in Europe. However, the number of cholera cases reported to WHO has remained high over the past few years, mainly due to outbreaks in Africa and South America.