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And the Kitten released an advertisement with a new dangerous energy dust

Development of the case study

Aug 29, 2024 19:26 99

And the Kitten released an advertisement with a new dangerous energy dust  - 1

Another clip with an advertisement for energy dust. This time to the hip-hop artist Victoria Todorova, who is known by her nickname the Kitten.

After the attractively presented energy drink powder by the singer Diona, experts warn that the use of these products could cause addiction. The district prosecutor's office is reporting itself on the energy powders and is starting an investigation, the state prosecution informed BNT. The Minister of Health, Galya Kondeva, ordered the Regional Health Inspections to carry out inspections in physical facilities, for which there is information that such products may be offered. And after the video of the singer Diona, more than 30 signals have been sent to SEM.

The promotion of energy powders in social networks continues. This time, a clip advertises another similar product again with the participation of a famous person.

"This is the first sniff in the world, we can now enjoy it in Bulgaria too,", advertises the performer.

According to experts, it is necessary for the authorities to pay attention to the acceptance of dangerous or prohibited substances, because according to the data of the US State Department, there are 300 thousand addicted people in our country.

"A large part of these preparations contain substances to which the body could create a dependence or tolerance, as we say, be it caffeine or some stronger ingredients. When it comes to such messages, I think what is missing in the country is bodies and commissions that have to take some kind of attitude because we are the first country in the world in early use, something I have been saying for years. that is, children at the age of 12, 13, 14 are already experimenting with similar things", said Zhelyaz Turlakov, an expert on addictions to BNT.

Influencers and vloggers in Bulgaria are outside the regulation of the law on radio and television. CEM monitors the problem of content on the Internet and is ready to react when such legal changes are introduced. It must be clearly identifiable when content is advertised, under what conditions, who provides the funding and how this content is promoted, so that young children and vulnerable groups of people are not deceived. Now we see the big problem with gambling advertising, which migrates through influencers, and we are actively working with the NRA in this direction, because in this way it reaches children even more easily", commented Simona Veleva from SEM.

"Until such a special law is adopted, it is good to make maximum use of the current legislation, and I think that here each individual case should also be considered through the prism of unfair trade practices. This is a European directive that has been transposed into Bulgarian legislation through a consumer protection law," said Gabriela Rumenova from "We the Consumers".

In a third of EU countries there are specific criteria by which influential people in the internet space are controlled for the content they upload. Often it depends on the number of followers, the economic aspect and the number of videos.

"The topics this person posts are also often followed. These could be sensitive topics in terms of content. Let's say, content related to security, safety, related to various advertisements of food, drinks, various substances, as in the specific case," pointed out Gabriela Naplatanova from CEM.

In Europe, for this year alone, close to 5 billion is the turnover of advertising, which is generated by influencers and vloggers.