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Pargov: History knows many bad situations in which a person who failed to leave on time falls into

It (note. ed. - the party) will not remain in this form. At the moment, it is a broad coalition, which, however, by itself cannot be counted on to bring something double or triple what the BSP currently has, Pargov further explained

Sep 7, 2024 15:11 56

Pargov: History knows many bad situations in which a person who failed to leave on time falls into  - 1

History knows a lot bad situations in which a person who failed to leave in time finds himself. This is a mark of morality and ethics that I do not see in Cornelia Ninova. With these words, Kaloyan Pargov from the National Council of the BSP commented in the program “The Staircase” on Darik radio what is happening in the centenary.
The BSP leader was first among equals and he was able to communicate with all opinion leaders and bearers of some support in BSP and these were the faces of the party. Ninova did not like this model, she did not tolerate a different opinion“, he pointed out.

Pargov explained that everyone who had a different opinion from the former leader of the socialists was crushed and slandered. “They were evicted to leave only her, which was a problem,”, he said.
Pargov noted that what is happening in the BSP “is not a palace coup because Ninova was not an empress”.

“The truth is that what happened in BSP happened many times back in the history of the party. In modern politics and life, 5 years to rule something is a long time. 10 years is a lot, she ruled for 8 years ”, he pointed out.

He hinted that a transformation is coming in BSP.

“It (note, ed. - the party) will not remain in its form. At the moment, it is a broad coalition, which, however, by itself cannot be counted on to bring double or triple what the BSP currently has, he explained.

Dogan or Peevski - who will win?
Regarding the conflict between Delyan Peevski and Ahmed Dogan, Pargov believes that the only trump card of the honorary chairman of DPS is the ethnic vote. According to him, the DPS, which according to him was built on the model of the BKP, will not be the same party with the same role after these elections.
“It is obvious that Peevski has a significant advantage in terms of strength, resources and material nature, and it is visible. The only trump card of Dogan himself is the ethnic vote, since he is a symbol of this vote, he was built to be like that, it is no accident that he has been the embodiment of this vote for 35 years now”, believes Pargov