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Kiril Dobrev: I'm glad to see Kornelia Ninova in court

No one in the last 35 years has tried to humiliate the party like Ivan Kostov and Kornelia Ninova. I hope that the crisis in the BSP is over and we are moving towards a good performance in the elections

Sep 16, 2024 18:33 56

Kiril Dobrev: I'm glad to see Kornelia Ninova in court  - 1

The legal crisis in the BSP ended with Ninova's resignation. No one in the last 35 years has tried to humiliate the party like Ivan Kostov and Kornelia Ninova. I hope that the crisis in the BSP is over and we are moving towards a good performance in the elections. This was stated by Kiril Dobrev on bTV.

„Each of her deputies is Ninova's personal and personal decision – and Zafirov, and Gutsanov, and Vigenin. Each of them is a deep party figure. The final straw was when Ninova single-handedly included Kaloyan Metodiev in the lists, ignored all decisions and party bodies and made him a deputy. Then everyone said “enough”. She crossed all party and moral boundaries. There are limits that the BSP cannot cross. In order to manage easily, Ninova tried to make the party small and the post, thus neglecting the party bodies. She thought the party was hers, but BSP cannot be anyone's party – this is not a company and it cannot be managed like that”, he is categorical.

In an interview, the former BSP leader stated that “there is almost no ministry that does not have contracts with Kiril Dobrev's companies for millions." On the occasion of these accusations, Dobrev emphasized: “There are lines along which Ninova attacks the party. Never, under any pretext, and she must be the seventh person to try to attack me with my involvement in such companies – no, I have no relationship with these companies. I'm glad to see Ninova in court. Defamation is a crime in principle. Ninova was deputy prime minister. In its Ministry of Economy, these companies are subject to a license. If she had doubts about these companies, she could revoke their license. I am a client of an accounting firm that serves the companies in question.“

„I have nominations in 7-8 districts in the country. It is a great honor for me after 3-4 years of exile. Whether I lead or not, I will accept every decision of the party. The National Assembly is not an end in itself. There is such an option. For the first time in 12 years, there will be no parallel left lists. There will be no lists of Parvanov, of Maya. This will lead to an increase in votes. Naturally, BSP has a leading role in this unification. Left unification is a dream of many left-wing people in the country. They said to me the other day: “We lived to see everyone gather in one place, not to wonder who to vote for,“, he also said.

When asked if they would support a government with a leadership role of GERB, Kiril Dobrev was laconic: “To answer this question, we have to make a lot of effort for the BSP to return to the top three, at least to be among the possibilities for mandate. Yes, the BSP should talk to everyone, but will it join a coalition – her organs will decide.“

He also commented on the crisis in the DPS: “The DPS was created as an ethnic formation and had a strong presence only in the ethnic areas. Over the years it grew and became the national party. It has representation and votes in absolutely all districts. The unraveling will happen in these elections. We will find out whether DPS will become an ethnic formation again or will retain its national character. It is important for me and for Bulgaria that it remains a national party.“