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How will you rest around September 22nd

How much will you be paid if you are at work

Sep 18, 2024 07:13 60

How will you rest around September 22nd  - 1

September 22nd is coming – Bulgaria's Independence Day and the plans for how to rest around this date begin, as this is also one of the last opportunities soon for a combination of public holidays, weekends and holidays, reported.< br />

If you still haven't decided, here are some pointers:

September 22 is the official holiday, it falls on a Sunday, because of this September 23 (Monday) is designated as a day off. If you take September 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) off, you'll have a very decent string of days off. You will have only taken 4 days off, and you will be resting for 9 days (from September 21 to 29 inclusive)

What official institutions say and how labor will be paid these days

Executive agency “Main Labor Inspectorate“ (IA GIT) reminds that September 22, 2024 is a public holiday, which is compensated with an additional day off, as it falls on a Sunday. According to the Labor Code, when official holidays coincide with Saturdays and/or Sundays, the first or the first two working days after them are absent, therefore September 23 – Monday is a day off.

When working on holidays and non-attendance days with an increase of 75%, only overtime is paid. For work performed on public holidays, which in the month are September 6 and September 22, all workers must receive double remuneration, the Labor Inspectorate states. If this work is overtime, it is also paid with a 100% increase, which is why the remuneration in this case reaches a minimum of four times the amount.

For those working on an irregular working day or with daily accounting of working hours, the work done during public holidays, as well as on days off and days of absence, is always overtime. Overtime work must be assigned by order of the employer, with which the workers must be informed at least 24 hours before the start of the overtime work.

It's not overtime for schedule workers – in the cumulative calculation of working hours, which is why they are only entitled to double wages when working on a holiday.

For the seven months of 2024, the control bodies of the IA GIT have established 12,512 violations of labor remuneration. Of them, 5195 pcs. are related to the payment of additional remuneration to employees, such as work during public holidays and overtime work. There are 859 violations related to the payment of labor during public holidays, and 287 violations related to the payment of overtime work.

In order to protect their rights to the fullest extent, workers and employees should have written evidence that they have worked on holidays and non-attendance days, such as the overtime order or the roll call schedule. This will allow the control bodies of the Labor Inspection to carry out more effective control, including when a report is filed.

On the website of the IA GIT, in the "Administrative service" section, detailed information on the method of reporting has been published. During working hours, citizens can also contact the Agency's national telephone number 0700 17 670 for consultations.