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Delyan Dobrev: Are you going to bring the Denkovites and the Asenvasilevites back into power?

Bulgaria continues to buy Russian gas, but with intermediaries, said the former Minister of Energy

Sep 16, 2024 05:17 139

Delyan Dobrev: Are you going to bring the Denkovites and the Asenvasilevites back into power?   - 1

The gendarme "Nicky must travel" today he again explained himself about "Lukoil". He accused me of wanting to bankrupt them together with Peevski... This is not Niki, he cannot invent this nonsense - that's what they whisper to him from Moscow!

This is what Delyan Dobrev, the deputy from GERB and chairman of the Energy Commission in the National Assembly, wrote on Facebook.

Here is what else he commented on the subject, quoted by FOCUS:

"As always, Niki is the first to share the Russian props. While he was prime minister, he was so servile to them that he was ahead of even the press release of "Lukoil".

I wouldn't waste my pen on it, but I think it's important to remind DB (PP no longer have voters) of the facts chronologically:

1. Asen Vassilev rides on weekends in the personal car of Alexander Velichkov - the head of "Lukoil" for Bulgaria. There is information about this in the services and he admitted the latter in the parliament.

2. Days later, Asen Vassilev threatened to block EC sanctions against Russia if they did not give us a derogation. That is, if they do not allow us to continue buying Russian oil, Bulgaria will veto the sanctions.

3. This forced the EC to make an exception and Bulgaria became the only landlocked country in the EC that continued to buy Russian oil.

4. Bulgaria not only continued with Russian oil, but tripled the number of barrels of Russian oil - from 15 million barrels per year before the war to 45 million barrels.

5. PP blocked repeated attempts by GERB and DPS to end the derogation. Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov threatened to resign at any attempt to violate Russian interests.

6. The above actions of Asen Vassilev and Nikolai Denkov generated 5,796,749,877 USD (5.8 billion) for the Putin regime. The account is quite accurate because it is based on official data.

Thanks to the pressure of GERB, from 01.01.2024 there is no derogation and Bulgaria has not purchased a single barrel of Russian oil. What's the balance sheet?

1. "Lukoil" it has neither failed nor will fail

2. Thousands of petrochemical workers have not been released

3. There is fuel on the belly

4. Prices are lower

5. Fuels are of better quality because they are made from better oil

6. Bribes to the PP stopped or decreased drastically

Dear DB voters, look for the facts!

Are you going to bring the Denkovites and the Asenvasilevites into power again?

P.S. Bulgaria continues to buy Russian gas, only through intermediaries. Bulgargaz is a bankrupt company," Dobrev wrote.