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Tsvetelina Penkova: The designation of portfolios for the European Commissioners raises many questions

The MEP, President of the European Energy Forum and First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy in the EP spoke to BNT on the important topics for socialists at the beginning of the parliamentary term

Sep 19, 2024 21:42 78

Tsvetelina Penkova: The designation of portfolios for the European Commissioners raises many questions  - 1

Live from Strasbourg, MEP Tsvetelina Penkova commented on the topic of the final composition of the European Commission.

According to her, it will become clear in the next few weeks. According to her, the composition and the way in which the portfolios for the respective European Commissioners are assigned raises more questions than answers about the priorities of the next European Commission. It is also not clear how the hearings will proceed in each of the line committees of the European Parliament. Tensions are palpable and it is expected that not all commissioners will get through the hearings without a hitch.

Regarding the question of whether the department that retained Bulgaria is satisfactory and whether it is satisfactory as a position for our country, the Bulgarian MEP stated that the department related to innovations, technologies and startups is important and key for Bulgaria and EU. This is also the reason that in the previous term she herself together with her team launched the first European legislation for startups and receives serious support from the Bulgarian and European startup sector. Mrs. Penkova says: “This is the way to give young people the opportunity to realize and develop their projects within Europe, to find funding within Europe and within Bulgaria, and not to look for opportunities outside our continent !“ .

Despite the importance of the department given to Bulgaria, Tsvetelina Penkova believes that Bulgaria could have fought and received other key departments, such as the “Energy“ department, which was assigned to Eastern Europe. According to her herself, the main reason why Denmark received it, and not us, is the failure to reach agreement from the Bulgarian government.

Regarding the candidate for Commissioner of Denmark, the Bulgarian MEP stated that he is extremely experienced and prepared, but did not fail to remind: “In the previous mandate of the European Commission and Parliament, a great deal of effort was put in, to ensure that the nuclear energy sector is strategically green and that it has a future within Europe and within Bulgaria. It is important that this policy continues and does not stand entirely and solely as the prerogative of national governments. A pan-European policy is needed.

More than 17 countries support the development of the nuclear energy sector and this sets the direction that this should be a pan-European policy.“. For this reason, Tsvetelina Penkova hopes that the new energy commissioner will defend these positions and added: “We are talking about the need for European funding, for the development of an industry that produces components for new nuclear power plants, that supports the existing ones. This is a key segment of Europe's future policy in the field of "Energy".

Mario Draghi's plan for the European economy and competitiveness, Mrs. Penkova defined as a “Plan of common sense”, and he himself as an extremely prepared economist and financier. “It made an extremely strong impression on me that he seems to be familiar with the seven priorities, which at the end of the past mandate we brought together with representatives of the Bulgarian industry and energy. “. In these seven key elements were staked – energy, the need for extraction and a legal framework regarding critical raw materials and resources, creating high-paying jobs, developing technology and innovation, improving energy connectivity within Europe.

The Bulgarian MEP expressed his firm opinion that the national priorities should be clear and work should be done in the direction of Bulgaria becoming a center for the production of components made of zinc, lead and copper, because at the moment the country we are only an exporter of these raw materials.

Regarding the question asked: The economic or military security of Europe is a priority, Tsvetelina Penkova was categorical that if we want to have a decisive role in the development of Europe, there must be a working industry and economy , working energy and energy at affordable prices. Strong diplomacy is needed, not just arming! “The conflict must be resolved through negotiations and diplomatic channels, not through additional armaments and the support of the loss of innocent lives on both sides!”, Penkava stated.

In connection with the political situation in Germany and whether it has a connection with Schengen, Tsvetelina Penkova stated that, in her opinion, the decision does not affect the framework of the EU as a policy, but is related to the internal political situation in Germany. Regarding the future of Bulgaria in Schengen, the MEP from the group of Social Democrats commented that Bulgaria missed its historic chance, in which it should have negotiated its full and simultaneous entry by air, land and water transport within the Schengen area. However, she was categorical: “Our efforts will continue in the future through all possible channels within the European institutions!“ .