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Radoslav Rybarski: The delay in the public order for the scanners is worrying

The proposal to replace the head of the Anti-Corruption Commission is not a pre-election move, said the MP from PP-DB

Sep 21, 2024 22:40 45

Radoslav Rybarski: The delay in the public order for the scanners is worrying  - 1

Warning of a possible suspension of the country we from Schengen were made yesterday by the PP-DB parliamentary group. MP Martin Dimitrov stated that Bulgaria's entry into the land-based Schengen may be delayed due to a suspended public order for customs equipment. He claims that the company was selected through direct negotiation instead of a competitive procedure and therefore we stand to lose €63 million in funding from Brussels. The Director of the "Customs" Agency rejected the accusations and stated that all European rules were respected.

"We are concerned that this order should have been completed and we should now have greater security when goods cross the borders. It was a matter of over 30 scanners, as I recall, which scan the trucks and quite quickly this facilitates the passage of the loads themselves. Now we understand that the order has been stopped and it has gone to direct negotiation, which leaves an opportunity for other participants to possibly appeal this order and this further delays these scanners, which are certainly also part of our path to " land" Schengen. Most of the cases we see, public procurements are subject to appeal and this delays them for an extremely long time," Radoslav Rybarski, an MP from "We continue the change", told BNT. - "Democratic Bulgaria".

"But let's leave it to the European Public Prosecutor's Office to say what they found and if they see anything wrong,", he added.

Regarding the problem of aridity and the political will to change something, Rybarski commented:

"These topics have always concerned us, but when a disaster like this happens, everyone realizes that something has not been done before. Our job is to anticipate them and remove the prerequisites for such events. That is the job of the legislature. To go in a clear direction that also gives some long-term perspective to both businesses and citizens. The executive has to react in such situations. We also receive reports on what has been done in connection with the fires that have occurred. We read these reports, but we see that people feel that not enough is being done for them.

So in the next parliament, we often promise this in 2-3 months, but now every single candidate for people's representative will go to the regions. Last times, when we went around like this, we saw that many of the small settlements, some of them for more than 50 years, do not have a normal street network, a normal infrastructure. This was laid down in the budget, these municipal projects were made in the budget, which the National Assembly updated, including yesterday there was such an update. New projects are added every three months, they are updated so that the smallest municipality considers what is needed and it is budgeted and allocated to that respective municipality, and not by some other criterion to determine who should do what take and when. And what should his municipality invest in", noted the MP.

In his words, the proposal to replace the head of the Anti-Corruption Commission is not a pre-election move.

"I don't think it was pre-election. It was particularly evident in the situation with the BBR, a topic we have repeatedly raised. The loan in question to a company that subsequently cannot be serviced. There was no activation of the Anti-Corruption Commission, of all the other bodies that should investigate such a precedent.

And at the moment we see that suddenly from today to tomorrow the state is harnessed to investigate this very loan. It shows that things are not going in the natural way that we all expect. This shows that the committee, she and the committee, we divided it into two separate committees, according to the law that we adopted, a new chairman must be elected anyway within a certain period. This one is acting, so already, I think for three years the debates have been heard by everyone."