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Tatiana Doncheva despises Peevski's people in the lists of "BSP-United Left"

The BSP does not realize the need to partner with a very wide range of political subjects. This partnership requires real partnership with joint actions, responsibilities, representation, participation. The era of Cornelia Ninova left a lasting impression on the BSP

Sep 22, 2024 12:23 47

Tatiana Doncheva despises Peevski's people in the lists of "BSP-United Left"  - 1

The BSP does not realize the need to partner with a very wide range of political subjects. This partnership requires real partnership with joint actions, responsibilities, representation, participation. The era of Cornelia Ninova has left a lasting impression on the BSP. This was stated by the leader of "Movement 21" Tatyana Doncheva, part of coalition "BSP - United Left" in front of the BNR.

She also sharply criticized the BSP's position in support of Anton Slavchev remaining in the post of temporary director of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CPC). She reminded another thing - that a week ago the parties in "BSP - United Left" handed a letter to the leadership of the BSP not to have people from Delyan Peevski and DPS on the lists. The most prominent figures in the lists of the BSP are Kiril Dobrev and Dragomir Stoynev. "The unification of the left is super important and it should start as early as yesterday, as early as last month and even earlier.

"I see that there are voices in the National Council of the BSP of old tried and tested socialist cadres who have sharply raised the issue of Peevski's people in the lists. We are not the greatest moral judges and we do not claim to be the only ones in white, but the attitude of the BSP towards the DPS is very important", commented Doncheva and insisted that the problem be solved quickly and quietly.

BSP must also have a firm position towards the chairman of DPS - New Beginning Delyan Peevski and the circle around him, insisted Doncheva.

She added that "BSP - United Left" will not be able to make visibility for the public. Some believe that by making a long list, it will lead to a high electoral weight, but this will not give them electoral weight, pointed out Doncheva. "Marginals can vote for "Majesty", but also for other exotic formations - SWORDS or bows. We have done what is necessary to start the unification on the left, but there needs to be unification on the right as well. With small fragments, it will not be possible to carry out legislative activity and management", she pointed out.

According to her, until the leadership problems are resolved in the BSP, the other parties in the coalition will not be responsible for a decision that is not shared by the parties within the coalition itself. "Why are you making me bear responsibility, Kosta Paskalev bear responsibility, Tsveti Galabova bear responsibility", asked Doncheva.

Tatiana Doneva also clarified the departure of MIR party leader Simeon Slavchev from the "BSP - United Left" coalition. "MIR Party is led by the former vice-chairman of "Movement 21" Simeon Slavchev. He was also part of the coalition the previous time, when she was also seriously addicted, and it was not a problem for him to leave her. There is another problem, and in some of the things about the left unification, the MIR party is right, which is also shared by other parties that are members of the left coalition", commented Doneva.

She pointed out that there are valuable people in the MIR party who should not be overlooked. This is not realized by the BSP, everything is done mechanically and in the end there will be enough dissatisfied people, because when there are not enough people and we can take from the performers from other entities and formations, there is nothing wrong with that, commented Doncheva.

Tatiana Doncheva also criticized the work of the 50th National Assembly. By Mihail Mikov and Ekaterina Mihailova, the parliament has been emptied of legislation. The claims of some young people who want to be key figures in a legislative activity in which they have no experience doom the legislation to failure. There is no lawyer, no serious economist, no serious budget manager, Doncheva also pointed out.

This morning the MIR party sent a press release to the media stating that it is leaving the "BSP-United Left".

The coalition agreement and the dialogue have been violated, and at the head of the lists have been placed people directly dependent on Delyan Peevski, the press release says.

The decision to leave the left-wing association itself was made at an online meeting and the following reasons are cited:

We entered this coalition with pure intentions and with the idea of it becoming an alternative, but unfortunately the BSP was taken into a concession by Peevski and we no longer have a place there, MIR also points out.

On September 21, the deputy chairman of "Movement 21" Danail Georgiev in his post on Facebook indicated that "I regret to note that the leadership of the BSP decided to use the coalition mainly to solve its internal party goals - to ensure a favorable development of the party congress and the election of the chairman." Through the composition of the candidate lists determined by them.

In his words, the left unification turned out to be only formal, and he specified that the BSP absolutely dominated decision-making, and the political council of the coalition did not hold a single meeting.

The pre-election platform and the composition of the lists depended entirely on the decisions of the BSP. The abundance of persons in the lists, known for their ties and dependencies to Peevski and Borisov, cannot help but be noticed by the general public, Georgiev also notes.