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Drama in Razgrad: Dzhipo Dzhipov displaced Antoaneta Tsoneva from the DB

From the lists of the PP-DB coalition, more prominent names are dropped: Ivaylo Mirchev, Bozhidar Bojanov, as well as the resigned party leader Hristo Ivanov

Sep 25, 2024 10:46 30

Drama in Razgrad: Dzhipo Dzhipov displaced Antoaneta Tsoneva from the DB  - 1

Surprisingly, the recognizable face of the DB Antoaneta Tsoneva dropped out of first place in the list of PP-DB in Razgrad. She was replaced by the mayor with the exotic name Djipo Djipov, who was second on the party list in previous elections.

It turns out that the 37-year-old politician is the son of one of the strongest figures in the former SDF from the time of Ivan Kostov. This is Nikola Nikolov, who became known as the leader of the “Lamb Heads” circle. in the blue party.

Jipov Jr. has an impressive CV – he is currently the executive director of the company MAT. He graduated from the Science and Mathematics High School “Ak. N. Obreshkov“ in Razgrad and Civil Engineering in London. Along with his fast-paced career, Djipov is the father of 3 children.

Ivaylo Mirchev, Bozhidar Bojanov, as well as the resigned party leader Hristo Ivanov, also dropped from the lists of the PP-DB coalition, recalls.

DSB leader Atanas Atanasov is also not among the list leaders. Against this background “We continue the change” gets 2/3 of the leadership positions in the PP-DB lists for the upcoming elections.

The party leads in 20 multi-mandate constituencies, representatives of “Yes, Bulgaria” lead in 5, and DSB gets three leadership positions, with Atanasov dethroned from the top.