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Wages: Employees want it, but businesses don't

From 2025, the minimum wage in our country should become 1,077 BGN

Sep 25, 2024 11:17 55

Wages: Employees want it, but businesses don't  - 1

From 2025, the minimum wage in our country should become 1,077 BGN, but some employers' organizations dispute this. The employees want the MPH to be raised further, and the business – to be reduced by BGN 200. The topic in “Your day” on NOVA NEWS, the economic adviser at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, Assoc. Shteryo Nozharov, and the chief economist of KT “Podkrepa” Atanas Katsarchev.

„Until 2022, the minimum wage grew by between 6 and 9 percent. After the rule was introduced that the minimum wage should be 50% of the average salary for the country, it began to grow by between 17 and 20%, noted Prof. Nozharov. According to him, this is precisely the reason why more and more foreign investors are leaving Bulgaria, leaving behind thousands of unemployed people.

Business wants the introduction of a European directive, which implies more regulations in the determination of minimum wages. However, the unions say that it can be partially accepted in our country.

From next year, says Atanas Katsarchev, the minimum wage should not be BGN 1,077, as planned, but BGN 1,500. “It must coincide with the living wage in our country”, the chief economist of KT “Podkrepa&rdquo ;.