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There is no left unity in the form of BSP - United Left in Pleven region!

The left! leaves the coalition in Pleven

Sep 26, 2024 13:12 68

Until now, not a single conversation has been held in any form with us about policies with the coalition partners, especially with the BSP. There was not a single coalition council to discuss the goals, policies and strategies for the upcoming elections in the district, Mandinski added. He pointed out that after talks with municipal councilors and mayors of the coalition, a decision was made not to participate in any form in the elections.

To avoid speculation, Mandinski emphasized: “We are not leaving because of unsatisfied places in the list. We realize that the BSP is the largest left party and it should lead the processes, but we cannot sign a 'blank white paper' and to be responsible for the future results and actions of those people. The basic principle of equality was violated.“

He also added: “We are for a LEFT UNITY, but it must be based on PRINCIPLES, MORALS, HONESTY AND EQUALITY. This hypocrisy and changing positions just to be in power is not inherent to us.“

Mandinsky emphasized that the Left! leaves the coalition in Pleven because they cannot be responsible and campaign for things they did not discuss, since there was no dialogue at all.

The situation with "Stand up BG" is identical.
“Neither the regional nor municipal chairman of the BSP, nor the leader of the list has contacted me. They neither asked us for proposals for people on lists, nor for us to sit down and discuss the possibilities for the development of Pleven, said Julian Nenchev, member of the national leadership and regional coordinator of "Stand Up BG".

Nenchev added that he participated in the talks to form the left coalition and that the current leadership of the BSP stated more than a month ago that the list and the leader in Pleven "are not being discussed". According to him, the leadership of the BSP has not taken any actions to unify the left in Pleven. He pointed out that in about 30 percent of the districts in the country the situation is similar to that in Pleven.

The lack of dialogue and principle affects the results.
Nenchev concluded that in this situation there is no way to achieve an increase in the results of the coalition and announced that at this stage he stops engaging in politics until morality and principles in making political decisions return.

Dimitar Iliev, deputy chairman of the national leadership of the "MIR" party, commented that the list in Pleven was made up entirely of BSP members and two civilian quotas. “Fifteen parties have signed the agreement and not one has been asked to talk,” he added.

All participants in the press conference called on voters to exercise their right to vote on October 27.