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Radev: Under no circumstances should we descend to the level of events in the RSM

Interest in Bulgaria is growing. Especially against the background of the deep geopolitical changes currently taking place

Sep 26, 2024 18:47 54

Radev: Under no circumstances should we descend to the level of events in the RSM  - 1

The most important thing is that Bulgaria is becoming more and more visible to US business. Thanks to the investments of the American business in Bulgaria, we receive something very important: not just funds, not just high technologies, but bringing a very progressive model of creating and managing a successful business in Bulgaria. This is what President Rumen Radev said to Bulgarian journalists in New York

The head of state leads the Bulgarian delegation and represents our country at the 9th session of the UN General Assembly, which takes place from September 24 to 26.

"This is a progressive model of relations between the state and business, therefore also of business with society. Interest in Bulgaria is growing. Especially against the background of the deep geopolitical changes that are currently taking place," Radev believes.

In his words, Bulgaria is becoming an increasingly attractive place for investments.

"I congratulate the Foreign Affairs Committee in the National Assembly and the Parliament for the adopted position on the Republic of North Macedonia. This is the way Bulgaria deals with this matter. We must by no means stoop to the level at which events and comments have developed in our south-western neighbor. Bulgaria must show a reasonable position and I call on all Bulgarian politicians to exercise restraint and reason. After all, we have been a member country of the European Union for many years. And we have to show much more controlled behavior", the head of state also commented.

Regarding the EU's decision to start accession negotiations with Albania, but not with RS Macedonia, the president explained: "These are logical consequences of the RSM government's policy and the path they have chosen. Ever since this government came to power, I have warned that there are deficits in terms of knowledge of international law and of all the particularities on the way to European integration and deficits in our relations. But I stated that we are ready to help. Bulgaria will continue to help, but there must be an awareness of what the European Union means and how to work to achieve the national goal that the RSM has set for itself. So far, the government has been working in the opposite direction. The right direction is to include the Bulgarians in the constitution, because this is enshrined in the EU's negotiating framework and it must be respected.