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Dr. Petar Moskov: Political corruption must be struck at its root

It is difficult, but I believe that there are different people than those who are waiting for the state to give them," he also said

Sep 26, 2024 21:21 37

Dr. Petar Moskov: Political corruption must be struck at its root  - 1

“Agency “Alpha Research“ gives 2.6% for “Blue Bulgaria” at the beginning of our campaign. This does not discourage us in any way. Because we started from the same levels as in the previous campaign and gained confidence throughout the campaign.“

This was stated in the show “Face to Face“ the leader of the KOD party Dr. Petar Moskov and former Minister of Health in the government of Boyko Borisov.

„We have learned the lesson from the previous campaign. Bulgarian society needs a different political agenda. There is a need for a reformist right-wing agenda. Something we haven't had in decades as a society, and maybe that's why we're at this point. “Blue Bulgaria” is the political bearer of this new agenda”, he also said.

„The disputes between the others are about who and how can be assembled around the current agenda – which is the order of corruption, socialism, administrative harassment and the rejection of national sovereignty”, Moskov added.

„Political corruption must first be struck at its root – where the genesis of the corruption money that sinks into the pockets of a hundred families that are close to political power is from. The administrative regulatory racket and harassment of medium and small businesses must be eliminated. Socialism must be broken. It is difficult, but I believe that there are different people than those who are waiting for the state to give them”, he also said.