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Radoslava Kafedzhiyska will be the Consul General of Bulgaria in Edirne

Fluent in English, Russian and Greek languages. Uses Turkish language

Sep 27, 2024 21:08 33

Radoslava Kafedzhiyska will be the Consul General of Bulgaria in Edirne  - 1

The Council of Ministers adopted a decision to appoint Radoslava Velizarova Kafedjiiska to the position of Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Edirne, Republic of Turkey with a consular district covering the municipalities: Edirne, Kirklareli and Tekirdag.

Radoslava Velizarova Kafedzhiyska has extensive professional experience in diplomacy. He is a lawyer by education, Master of Law from UNSS, Sofia, as well as Master of International Relations - European Union Law from SU “St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia.

In the period from 2002 to the present moment, she held various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: in the “Human Resources" directorates; “Consular relations"; “Legal"; “NATO and regional security"; “Situation Center".

She held the positions of adviser/consul abroad in the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Thessaloniki, Republic of Greece (2011-2014), consul in the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Edirne, Republic of Turkey (2016-2020) and advisor/consul at the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey (2021 to date).

He speaks English, Russian and Greek languages. Uses Turkish language.

The professional qualifications and experience of Radoslava Velizarova Kafedzhiyska create the necessary basis for the successful performance of the functions of Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Edirne, Republic of Turkey.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Edirne provides consular services to Bulgarian citizens residing in its consular district and maintains official working contacts with representatives of local authorities. It contributes to the expansion and deepening of relations on the territory of the consular district in all areas of Bulgaria's bilateral relations with Turkey.