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The Metropolitan Police move the confiscated cars to Dolni Bogrov

575 vehicles of drunk and drugged drivers have been confiscated by the law enforcement agencies after the changes in the Criminal Code

Oct 10, 2024 04:43 31

The Metropolitan Police move the confiscated cars to Dolni Bogrov  - 1

The Metropolitan Police move the confiscated cars to Dolni Bogrov. 575 vehicles of drunk and drugged drivers have been seized by law enforcement agencies following the changes to the Penal Code. Until now, the vehicles were stored around the police stations, but this made traffic difficult.

The first 80 confiscated cars, loaded with spiders, drove to Dolni Bogrov, where the Metropolitan Police will store the confiscated vehicles of the drivers caught with alcohol and drugs.

"The capacity of the parking lot is 550 places, and since the beginning of the measure of the National Police on the territory of Sofia, 575 cars have been seized," said Nikolay Krusharski, Head of the ''Road Police'' ; - SDVR.

"On a weekly average, about 5 to 7 cars are taken from such drivers all over Sofia.

In order not to interfere around the Regional Offices, the cars will be moved to designated places.

"Also in process is the allocation of another such parking lot, the land of which was given by the capital municipality. And procedures are underway for its formation," said Nikolay Krusharski, Head of the Traffic Police Department. - SDVR.

The future parking lot is currently a dump in the capital's Faculty district. Already in the spring, the local residents accepted the idea of improving the terrain.

"It better be a parking lot, which it is, and the kids are constantly playing here in the garbage, tearing the bags, it better be a parking lot.

And the police will have 4 more reasons to catch the offending drivers, after today the Council of Ministers classified 4 more substances as narcotic.