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Filip Popov: We are in the abyss

It is not important the name of the prime minister, but what policies the cabinet will defend, said the representative of the BSP - United Left

Oct 18, 2024 00:42 36

Filip Popov: We are in the abyss  - 1

Given the looming fragmented parliament, given the helmet of early parliamentary elections and that this leads to the destruction of the state in every single sector, this is one of the solutions - an expert cabinet. Every single cabinet should be an expert, but a cabinet that is supported by the National Assembly should receive its broad support so that all these reforms can be carried out and Bulgaria can start developing in a positive direction.

This is what Philip Popov said in the studio of "Day ON AIR".

According to him, we are currently at the precipice.

"We are falling even further and given the low voter turnout that is emerging, this is not good for Bulgaria. This cabinet must be distant from any party. The name of the prime minister is not important here, but what policies this cabinet will defend, what ministers will be in this cabinet. In Bulgaria there is a lack of policies for the real problems of the people. We from "BSP - United Left" we offer 17 "ladders". They are related to demographic policy, health care, education and even foreign policy," added Popov for Bulgaria ON AIR.

He is of the opinion that whenever the BSP participated in the government, our country had economic growth.

"There was an increase in pensions, maternity leave, there was development, there was statehood, and now the state has stalled. And we have already made our coalition and it is called "BSP - United Left", and we have a program for after the elections. From the other parties I hear glossy populism and hollow phrases without any substance. Power controls, but also deters," commented the political representative.

Popov is adamant that citizens must have access to justice.

"The Supreme Court, whether it is with an expired or unexpired mandate, has all the powers to do one thing or another. Bulgaria needs a left-wing and strong coalition," he stressed.