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There are 800,000 cars in Sofia, for 2024 the newly registered ones will be 70,000

On October 20, the section at Bulgaria Boulevard and the Ring Road will also be operational

Oct 18, 2024 09:41 47

There are 800,000 cars in Sofia, for 2024 the newly registered ones will be 70,000  - 1

The Mayor of Sofia, Vasil Terziev, informed that in Sofia today has about 800,000 cars, with 70,000 new cars registered this year alone.

Today we opened the new intersection of the boulevards "Black Peak" and "Todor Kableshkov". This is how we reduce traffic jams in this part of the city, said the mayor of Sofia, Vasil Terziev, after in the early hours of the day, the Sofia Municipality pleased the people of Sofia, especially those living in Krastova Vada and Manastirski Livadi.

Traffic between boulevard "Cherni vrah" and "Emilian Stanev" street is in the two new lanes and the new tram route is the future of greener urban transport. The sidewalks are ready, the bike lanes are in place, and the markings will soon outline the bus lane. The work continues in the next section to the street "Louis Ayer".

On October 20, the section at "Bulgaria" boulevard will also be operational. and the Ring Road. The approach to the bridge has been closed for months due to strengthening.

"This important connection will remove another of the major traffic jams in the area," Mayor Terziev promises and informs that several more key boulevards will be opened by the end of October.

"Because we want Sofia not just to move, but to fly," says Terziev and continues: "We are working hard on creating a transport model that will allow us to solve transport problems in real time and introduce technologically supported intelligent planning and efficient infrastructure".

"We understand what a challenge this is for the city and how critical it is to move forward with modern solutions and bold projects. We are here for real change, long-term solutions and sustainable investment. Because Sofia can develop only with well-planned actions and real results", adds Terziev.