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After 6 months in custody: The former head of the Customs Agency was released

At the beginning of the week, the magistrates released her on bail of BGN 10,000 because of her deteriorating health. The prosecutor's office did not take advantage of its right to appeal, and so Bankova went home after her time in custody

Oct 18, 2024 13:49 28

 After 6 months in custody: The former head of the Customs Agency was released  - 1

The former head of the "Customs" Agency. Petya Bankova left the pretrial detention center where she spent 6 months, reports Nova TV. She was released after the decision of the Sofia City Court, but refused any comment to the media. Her lawyer, who accompanied her, stated that her refusal was due to her serious health condition.
At the beginning of the week, the magistrates released her on bail of BGN 10,000 because of her deteriorating health. The prosecutor's office did not take advantage of its right to appeal, and so Bankova returned home after her time in custody.
Together with her on the affair "Customs" Marin and Stefan Dimitrovi, the former Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zhivko Kotsev and the suspected smuggler Nikola Nikolov, nicknamed Pascal, are facing charges.
According to the indictment, they were involved in money laundering, influence peddling and smuggling.