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Iva Lazarova: This time the processes related to the machine voting were much more public

"However, what must be made clear now is - on how many screens will the machine ballot be visualized so that the voters can be informed and to be calm when they vote with the machines," said the chairman of the Public Council at the CEC

Oct 21, 2024 18:08 36

Iva Lazarova: This time the processes related to the machine voting were much more public  - 1

There are only a few days left until the parliamentary elections on October 27. As the vote approaches, the topic of its organization, but also of trust and activity, becomes more and more relevant. How can the election process be improved in the show "Crossroads"? comments the chairman of the Public Council at the CEC Iva Lazarova.
"SEC training is currently underway. They started last week. In addition to the electoral administration, the political parties also have a commitment to them. It is very important that their commitment is serious. Because we see how the CEC is constantly receiving complaints regarding the composition of the CEC. It is important that the people in the committees are well trained because they are the face of the election administration. In practice, voters face exactly them on election day. When there is doubt that they are doing their job conscientiously, the already fragile trust in the electoral process is destroyed," Lazarova stressed.
In her words, "the training of people from the commissions must be approached very seriously". "We have witnessed in previous campaigns how the CEC had to correct numerous errors in the protocols after the end of the election day. Very often, technical errors are due to fatigue after the nearly 13-hour election day. But also the insufficient preparation and training of the members of the commissions who fill out the protocols and papers", she recalled.

Lazarova also commented on the machine voting. "It is important to say that this time the processes related to machine voting were much more public. We saw incessant press conferences and public appearances of both the CEC on the subject and the relevant ministries. The machines for the countries abroad where voting will take place are already traveling. The machines will probably be delivered to more than 9,000 sections in the country. However, what must now become clear is - on how many screens the machine ballot will be visualized, so that voters can be informed and be calm when voting with the machines", said Lazarova.