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Hampartsumyan: At the moment there is mostly pre-election and not rational talk about the country's new budget

According to the banker, the state's finances are in a relatively good condition, which is also confirmed by the positive outlook for Bulgaria given by the international rating agency Fitch. The economy is growing, although not at a very high rate, unemployment is low

Oct 23, 2024 07:37 34

Hampartsumyan: At the moment there is mostly pre-election and not rational talk about the country's new budget  - 1

Criminals are looking for all possible loopholes to work against the legal systems of the state. It is very important that there are detainees, because there are not many people who can make such "superbanknotes". on Radio "Focus“ on the occasion of the news about the illegal printing house for counterfeit money in Shumen revealed by the GDBOP.

"The bigger frauds happen in the digital world of finance," he added.

In his words, at the slightest suspicion of counterfeit banknotes, one should go to a bank and check whether they are real or fake. From there, the bank takes things over. "It is best not to exchange large amounts of cash - then you are already protected from counterfeit money, or at least large amounts of counterfeit money,” he advised.

According to the banker, the state's finances are in relatively good condition, which is confirmed by the international rating agency "Fitch“ positive outlook for Bulgaria. The economy is growing, albeit not at a very high rate, unemployment is low, "so we should not be overly critical of finances,“ he said and added that Bulgaria needs a working economy and a predictable environment for doing business, and finances are only the measure of success in the real economy.

The 2025 Budget has yet to be formed and pass through rational changes in the Council of Ministers and the Parliament. That is exactly why it should not be alarmist, because according to Levon Hampartsumyan, at the moment, the talk is mostly pre-election and not rational about the country's new budget. "The budget must be rational, it must provide possibly better conditions for business, both for Bulgarian and for foreign businesses that we would attract. The good news is that the Bulgarian economy, which is nevertheless based on 60-70% private business, manages to adapt to the new conditions in the world.“