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VMRO gave Mila Robert to the prosecutor's office for desecrating the national flag

The singer apologized in her official position

Jun 26, 2024 07:53 127

VMRO gave Mila Robert to the prosecutor's office for desecrating the national flag  - 1

VMRO referred the prosecutor's office because of singer Mila Robert, NOVA reported.

She participated in the "Sofia Pride" concert, where she was dressed in a short dress with a tricolor. A little later he undressed her and threw her on the ground.

Underneath, the singer wore the same patterned dress, but this time instead of white, green and red, the outfit was in the colors of the LGBTI flag.

This act of hers caused a wave of negative comments and threats on social networks. People are outraged by her behavior, the way in which, according to them, the singer insulted the Bulgarian flag.

As it is clear from a clip on TikTok of the "Kubero warrior" will also report the incident to the prosecutor's office. Many reprimanded Vanya Shtereva's daughter for insulting the national flag, which is punishable under Art. 108, para. 2 of the Criminal Code.
Desecration of national symbols is punishable by up to 2 years in prison and a BGN 3,000 fine.

Mila Robert herself apologized for her actions through an official position.

Bulgaria is my home. Bulgaria is also home to hundreds of thousands of LGBTI people. My performance of "Sofia Pride" and changing my stage costume was meant to reassure the audience that they have our support and understanding and to draw public attention to the issues of LGBTI people. They are Bulgarian citizens and are subject to daily insults and threats. Thousands of young and talented people emigrate every year because they don't feel safe here and this is a problem we need to talk about.

If insults and threats towards me are the price I have to pay for drawing attention to this important public issue, then I am ready to pay it. Let us be aware that there are people who live with insults and threats every day. Let's talk about that - why is homophobia so widespread in Bulgaria? Why do we refuse to accept the “different” who are just as human as the “normal”?

I love Bulgaria, I live and work here, despite the aggression. I believe we are put on this earth to forgive each other. Therefore, I want to apologize to everyone who was offended by my performance during "Sofia Pride". Yes, I shouldn't have left the dress on the ground, I didn't mean it to be disrespectful, and if I could go back in time, I would have neatly folded it.