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Krasimir Zanev: Brendo asked for prison so that he would not suffer the fate of Poli Pantev

Banev received a six-year prison sentence at the highest instance. "10-15 days before her pronouncement, Brendo knew this and left Bulgaria", explained Krasimir Zanev

Jun 26, 2024 10:52 54

Krasimir Zanev: Brendo asked for prison so that he would not suffer the fate of Poli Pantev  - 1

Brendo's wish to go to prison is perhaps so that the fate of Poli Pantev does not overtake him. who was found in Aruba murdered. This is what he said in the studio of "Your Day" Krasimir Zanev, former director of the "Search" department in the Ministry of the Interior.
He recalled that Banev received a six-year prison sentence at the highest instance. "10-15 days before its pronouncement, Brendo knew this and left Bulgaria." He was declared wanted, first in Bulgaria, then with a red notice. They searched for him for years, but without success. In addition, he has a 20-year sentence in Italy and a 10-year sentence in Romania. They will not add up. The heaviest - the 20-year-old - is taken into account. At the moment, he is 60 years old, if he serves it, he will be 80 years old when he gets out," Zanev pointed out.