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Kukata is now free

Kamen Balbuzanov, who was sentenced to 4 years in prison, spent only 42 days behind bars in Pleven

Oct 13, 2024 05:35 96

The crime hero Kamen Balbuzanov-Kukata was released from prison quietly! The man sentenced to 4 years behind bars spent only 42 days in prison in Pleven, after which his sentence expired and he was released without much fuss, writes burgas24 .bg.

After he found himself free as a bird, the boss began to venture again on social networks. In recent days, he has been posting photos in his profile with branded sports equipment and expensive glasses.

Before the battle with Themis was over, the Pleven man dragged himself through the courtrooms for years after the action against him in 2017. He was investigated for a local criminal racketeering group, but in the end he was found guilty only of secondary crimes - threatening to kill, extortion and absconding of a foreign bouncy castle. The final judgment of the Supreme Court of Cassation comes into force in the spring of this year, but Balbuzanov was not found to be kept warm, and he was declared wanted.

On August 21st, the Hook surprisingly appeared and entered the ribbon. It turns out that he served most of his sentence locked up in custody. In addition to his stay in prison, the time he shortened by working in the dungeon was also deducted. So it turns out that the famous convict should be released on October 2. Then he was released, the District Prosecutor's Office in Pleven confirmed for the newspaper. Prosecutor Diana Ilieva-Stoyanova specifies that they received a notification from the prison authorities that Balbuzanov's sentence has expired.

The prosecution nailed him on three of the charges against him. They are related to witness testimony that Hook runs a security company that is not in his name and extorts local merchants and manufacturers into signing contracts with him.

One accusation is that in 2011 he threatened to kill an employee at a gas station in Sofia. The second is that in the summer of 2013, in a well-known cafe in Pleven, the crime hero threatened the owner of the establishment that he would beat him up if he did not pay him 100 grand for security services offered by him. The head of the cafe refused, after which the threats of physical suicide began. The third count on which he was found guilty was for concealing an inflatable castle stolen from a Pleven park.

On the night of April 21-22, 2017, in Pleven, in collaboration with Aver, Kukata stole the children's attraction and the cash register. The reason is that the owner of the facility did not want to pay him for security services. It is for this crime that the magistrates give 4 years of imprisonment, which is also defined as the most severe in general.

During the action, Kukata is surprised in his underwear by uniformed men in his apartment and starts running through the balcony. He finds himself on the visor, but sees machine guns aimed at him and surrenders. The investigators also seize a Tuzara black "Lamborghini" of the Plev resident. After the raid, they announced the discovery of dozens of notarial deeds of the property of racketeers.

Defendants along with Balbuzanov are Ivaylo Birovski - Ivo Boxa, the warden Miroslav Minkov and Pleven prosecutor Dimitar Zahariev. Due to the participation of the accuser, it is checked whether there was an umbrella stretched over the group. "We are not 1992, but 2017," commented the then prosecutor Ivan Geshev regarding the claims that the group felt untouchable.

According to the investigators, among the victims is the family of businessman Josko Isaev, one of the owners of "Plevenski hlad", who disappeared without a trace in 2015. The family sought out Hook and his men to help solve the case. The racket started after the relationship between them became complicated.

Kamen Kukata is said to be one of the silovaki of VIS for the Pleven region and close to the bosses of the group. He was also driven as part of the so-called Gang of the Hammers along with other Taki lieutenants, but the case stalled for years. In his file, Balbuzanov records convictions for drugs, beatings and hooliganism.

"Bulgaria Today" reached out to him for comment about his time in prison and his release, but he deflected the conversation.

Kamen Balbuzanov is like cats with several lives! He survived 6-7 attacks against him. The most iconic is from the evening of November 6, 2008, when a mercenary fired at him with a "Kalashnikov" but failed to injure him. The machine gun detected, and the killer chased him through the streets of Pleven, shooting at him with a pistol.

In another assassination attempt at a local establishment, a mercenary emptied an entire magazine at Balbuzanov, but hit him in only three places. The Crimean woman survived, and Georgi Petkov-Dachi from the "Killers" gang was sentenced to 20 years for the failed assassination attempt.