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They organized a charity Summer Soiree of the TONI&GUY Foundation

Jun 12, 2024 10:05 127

The “TONI&GUY” Foundation, which is one of the most respected and well-known for its charity foundations in Great Britain, happily shared that the Summer Soiree organized by them was able to fulfill its main goal - to raise funds to support the children's department “Toni&Guy” in the “King’s College” hospital, writes

The event took place on June 8, 2024 at the private estate of the Mascolo family. Guests enjoyed a magical evening where the opportunity to support the cause of the “Toni&Guy” to positively impact the lives of critically ill children, their families and NHS staff, was of leading importance.

Established in 2003 by the late Tony Mascolo OBE and his wife Pauline, the TONI&GUY Foundation is dedicated to supporting a variety of charitable causes, with a focus on improving the lives of those in need.

The Summer Soiree is living proof of the foundation's commitment to continuing the mission and legacy of the founder of the Toni&Guy empire - the late Tony Mascolo.

Bulgarian Lilia Mascolo, director and trustee of the foundation, who is the wife of Tony's son Pierre Mascolo, expressed her joy at the event: “We were very excited to organize the Summer Soiree and amazed by the love and support we received from friends and partner businesses. We are committed to making the world a better place one step at a time for those most in need, and to continue Tony and Pauline's mission, leading the foundation into the future, preserving the family legacy and reputation.“

The event was attended by a number of distinguished guests, including Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia, cousin of King Charles III, Prince Jerome Luc Muniglia De Giustiniani and the world-renowned sculptor Pablo Damien Christi, who donated an extremely valuable piece of marble for auction from which the Sculptor will create custom statue for the lucky person who bought it at auction.

Among those present were designer Karen Millen, winner of the Order of the British Empire, boxers Tyson Fury and David Haye, as well as celebrities from the London high life such as millionaire Amanda Cronin, Peggy Rose and actress Laura Pradelska from “Game of Thrones” .

Bulgarian pianist Ivan Yanakov, specially invited by the “Young Talent” Foundation, which supports the young talents of Bulgaria, contributed to the mood of the guests, and DJ Omar Garbi left the dancers breathless at the end of the evening.

The icing on the cake was the performance of Famous Violinist Lettice Rowbotham, who many of us know from Britain's Got Talent.

Guests welcomed to the £26 million estate were in awe of the view and enjoyed fresh oysters and caviar, champagne and food provided by Nobu. Nobu's chefs prepared the world-famous Japanese-Peruvian cuisine in front of the guests, providing them with an unforgettable culinary experience.

The Italian Association of Chefs in England also provided fine food, and the cocktail bar was sponsored by Bulgarian businessman Atanas Mandjukov, who was promoting his new ultra high quality Vodka - Labo.

The guests of the summer Soiree were also able to enjoy the TONI&GUY fashion show in front of the pool house, where models presented clothes by famous British designers on specially made bridges over the water.

For one of the interactive installations, jeweler Stephen Webster donated a diamond worth £5,000, which, along with another 99 Swarovski crystals, was distributed across the bottoms of 100 champagne glasses, which guests paid for. One lucky person ended up with the real diamond in their cup, and the Foundation raised funds from the sale of the cups. There were different installations with a similar idea in different places during the event.

For the organization of the event, Lilia Mascolo fully trusted her close friend, the Bulgarian publicist Zornitsa Taskova, who has lived in the United Kingdom for more than 15 years.

The two marketing furies took on the overall organization of the event and managed to do it successfully, with absolutely no budget.

They secured all the sponsors and prizes in exchange for promotion to the dignitaries.

All proceeds from the event will be used to support the TONI&GUY Unit at King's College Hospital, enabling the hospital to continue to provide the best possible treatment and facilities for young patients and their families.< /p>

The TONI&GUY Foundation expresses its sincere gratitude to all supporters, donors and partner businesses for their unwavering commitment to helping those in need.

„Together we can carry on and preserve my mother and father's legacy, creating a brighter future for seriously ill children and their families,” added Pierre Mascolo, chairman of the foundation and son of the late Tony Mascolo, who was also knighted in the Order of the British Crown.