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300 BGN greengrocer in Beli Iskar!

A food festival was held in the Rila village

Jun 29, 2024 22:55 75

The price of Rila vegetables reached BGN 300 at the food festival in the village of Beli Iskar, Samokov municipality. Traditionally, the holiday is organized on the last Saturday of June and gathers hundreds of people from different parts of the country, BTA reported.

This year, about 20 participants with cabbage took part in the competition for the tastiest Rila cabbage. Four of the dishes were auctioned off, with the starting price of the three tastiest starting at BGN 40, 80 and 100. Two of them were bought by the mayor of the Samokov municipality, Eng. Angel Jorgov, and the people's representative, Valentin Milushev.

All the other cabbages in the competition were also bought and the amount raised will go to charity. Local residents plan to use the funds to upgrade the "Orlovi skali" eco-trail, as well as an arch at the entrance to the village.

A jury of the mayor of the municipality, deputy mayor Stanimira Davidova and engineer-technologist Tanya Burnazova evaluated the cabbages.

The host of the event was the sociologist Mira Radeva. She presented the donors of the holiday with plaques and certificates, as well as the representatives of the municipal leadership.

The mayor congratulated those present, saying that he is proud that this celebration is being organized for the 22nd year in a row.

The festive program included ensembles from the municipality of Samokov, which also competed and received diplomas and cash prizes.