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Alla Pugacheva is in serious condition

The singer needs special treatment

Jun 27, 2024 06:36 60

Alla Pugacheva is in serious condition  - 1

The well-known showman and close friend of the singer Stas Baretsky testified that Pugacheva's condition is very serious and she needs special treatment, FOCUS reported.

Alla suffered because of the hot climate in Cyprus, where she is currently working, showman Stas Baretsky said in an interview with

He noted that it is very stuffy in Cyprus. According to him, the diva should go to Belarus for treatment. As he specified, he is ready to send her to the best clinic.

"Now I want to send her to Belarus, to the best clinic. In Belarus, Soviet medicine is still what is needed. Cyprus has climate problems. It's very hot there, it's very stuffy. It is clear that Alla Borisovna felt bad. I insist that Pugacheva be sent to Belarus for treatment “, says Baretsky.

As the showman emphasizes, Pugacheva has neither money nor health left. He expressed confidence that they can help her in Belarus. He specified that the country's president, Alexander Lukashenko, never spoke ill of the Prima Donna, as Alla is known throughout the former USSR.

"People there love her too. As far as I remember, Lukashenko never spoke badly about Alla Borisovna. He will certainly spend two months there. Health should improve. The hot climate in which he lives is to blame. She has white skin that is not meant for such heat. I hope for her speedy recovery", concludes the showman.

Earlier, people close to Pugacheva reported that the singer, who is now in Cyprus with her family, suffers from problems with the heart and blood vessels. It is noted that it is difficult for her to withstand the heat in this country, so she plans to move to Jurmala, Latvia, where the climate is cooler.