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An Indian man told how he lost 60 kilograms

32-year-old Suhail Khan now weighs only 81

Jul 4, 2024 10:24 68

A resident of India managed to lose weight from 140 to 81 kilograms and revealed the secret of his success to the Times of India.

32-year-old Suhail Khan from Bangalore said he has always been overweight and in 2017 reached 140 kilograms. The man admitted that he felt terrible physically and mentally. He remembers that then he could hardly walk even 300 meters due to constant pain.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, Khan started working hard to lose weight. He first changed his diet. He had breakfast exactly at 10 a.m., had lunch at 1-2 p.m., and always had dinner before sunset. The Indian completely gave up sugar, flour, fast food and red meat and replaced them with healthy foods and home-cooked meals. He tried to eat more vegetables and foods with a lot of protein and less fat.

Khan calculated his portions so that he ate 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. According to the weight, he calculated the amount of fiber consumed. The Indian said that the most important thing is to burn more calories than you consume.

Also, he started going regularly. It was very difficult at first, but eventually Khan started walking 10, then 14,000 steps a day. At the beginning of the year, he entered the gym to build muscles and strengthen his body. The Indian admits that his wife helped him a lot in losing weight, who supported him in everything and prepared healthy homemade food.

As a result, Han managed to lose almost 60 kilograms. He credits a consistent approach to nutrition and exercise, as well as gradual lifestyle changes, as the secret to his success. “Many people ask how I was able to achieve such changes. I always explicitly emphasize that this was not an instant success, but the result of consistent efforts”, the man concludes.