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Boyko Kachulev: It is unacceptable that we are working poor, we deserve a decent life

The Plovdiv businessman is a candidate for deputy from the list of PP "DPS - A new beginning for the 51st National Assembly

Oct 19, 2024 16:25 84

Boyko Kachulev: It is unacceptable that we are working poor, we deserve a decent life  - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

The next elections are approaching, and the candidates for people's representatives are largely silent on the reasons why they want to become legislators – whether to fight for specific national causes or because of the fat salary. This is not the case with the well-known Plovdiv businessman Boyko Kachulev, candidate for deputy from the list of PP “DPS– A New Beginning“ for the 51st National Assembly. We talk with him about his goals, which he will pursue as a deputy, and his vision of how Bulgaria should go for the better.

– Mr. Kachulev, why did you decide to enter the battle for the 51st National Assembly from the list of “DPS– New beginning“?

– You know, everyone asks me why I chose “DPS– A New Beginning“ for his political path. The answer is easy – if I want to change something in Bulgaria, I must be among people who have the necessary positions and experience. Many parties have been created over the years, but no one remembers their empty promises anymore.

I chose “DPS – A new beginning" because the party presented me with a real program with real policies that are in sync with my goals. People in “DPS – A New Beginning” have proven their resilience and rely on actions, not empty promises, so I believe they will give me the opportunity to work for the new beginning of Bulgaria. For this to happen, vote for me on October 27th with ballot number 8 and preference 108 for Plovdiv and Bulgaria.

– Be a little more specific, what exactly will you work for so that the people feel a real change towards a better life?

– Of course, I will be more specific – for example healthcare. In Bulgaria, for years this most important sector, along with education, has been perceived as a “money machine”. Hospitals have been turned into businesses, and patients are treated like walking wallets. Health professionals, on the other hand, are not given any chance to work with a mission and attitude towards people, because they are under pressure to generate more income.

That is why I am adamant that we, our children and our parents deserve adequate health care from motivated doctors with morals and a sense of duty who want to work here, not abroad. However, this can be achieved with real policies within the National Assembly, not with slogans and empty promises. Therefore, my inner conviction is that the parliament can and should work together for modern and effective health care for every Bulgarian.

– You are a business person, what do you think of the current economic situation in Plovdiv, and in Bulgaria in general?

– Indeed, most Plovdiv residents know me as a restaurateur and hotelier with a very clear and very clear position on the problems of the industry. All of us who develop a legal business know that there can be much better conditions for us and our customers in our beloved Plovdiv.

Plovdiv is a city with history, culture and many opportunities for business in every direction. However, no one is working purposefully to reveal and use this potential in full.

With the right steps and strategy, our city can become an extremely attractive tourist, cultural and business destination. However, this requires work and modern thinking. Including working to improve the infrastructure.

– Infrastructure is a serious problem for businesses and in general for all Bulgarians on a national scale…

– Unfortunately, it is so, but I want to talk about the infrastructure especially in our Plovdiv, or rather the lack of it. The cultural capital of Europe is, unfortunately, also the capital of endless renovations and traffic jams. Our beloved city has the location and capacity to be a center of attraction for modern foreign investment to generate thousands of stable and well-paying jobs.

However, this is impossible while the main and international roads resemble the roads to the Antimov Khan of Yordan Yovkov. Daily business suffers huge losses due to lack of normal infrastructure. This massively repels investors coming from countries with rules and laws that are followed. For this reason, I say that it is time to put an end to the lack of transparency in the work of local government and as a society to follow deadlines in which the necessary things are done. And this is one of the possibilities of a deputy, as long as he wants to do something meaningful for his city and for the country in general.

– You talked about foreign investors, is it only poor infrastructure that stops the flow of fresh money from outside?

– As a father of two children, it is very important to me that our city and our country offer development and a decent future. I don't want to see my children once a year because they haven't been able to realize their potential here and are studying abroad.

It's probably a cliché, but children really are our future and they deserve career development here, where we can enjoy their achievements for their hard work. They deserve to be successful where their families and friends are.

In order to achieve this goal, I am convinced that we must work to attract modern and promising companies to Plovdiv. This can only be done by people who know how to do business. They know what is important for an employer, what workers need, what is behind the success of a large-scale investment and what is the comfort of every company as a legal taxpayer.

I dare say that I am one of those people. I am an employer of over 120 people and I fight the system every day to grow my business. I repeat – in order to attract foreign investments to our city, and to Bulgaria, we must provide the necessary conditions. I'm willing to work for it – for the future of our children.

– It sounds nice as a promise, but we are all aware that in Bulgaria it is difficult to break through without “connections” and the right contacts, because state institutions are often entangled in obvious and not so dependencies.

– This Balkan phenomenon must be overcome with a proper measure – to me the laws should just be enforced, it's that simple! They should be valid for everyone and make our lives easier, not harder. I myself want to be governed by people with morals, transparently and unequivocally, that's why I made the decision to run for parliament – for management with clear goals and tasks without dependencies and biases. There is a lot of work to be done and it is high time it was done openly and effectively by people who can and know how…

– “They know how“ means with a good education, and it's no secret that for years this system, which is directly related even to our national security, has been sinking more and more.

– This is one of the most serious problems facing Bulgaria – the education. We were once an example of education and literacy, and I believe they will provide for our future as well. Our children are alert, talented and capable. We are asked to provide them with the necessary foundation for their success. They need more practical knowledge and access to modern technology to acquire the skills to manage their future and ours.

– What if we see that teenagers are excited about social networks instead of school or sports?

– Things are interconnected – if we can make them curious about the world, they will choose books over Tik-Tok and sports over sitting on the computer. Sports take up a huge part of my life. Thanks to him, I developed the will, discipline and ambition to succeed in my early years. To this day, playing sports keeps me in shape, so it is important for me to pass this on to the next generation.

There are so many talented children in Bulgaria who, however, do not have access to normal sports facilities and facilities. They do not have the opportunity to develop their potential and be a pride for our country anywhere in the world. Over the years I have supported every club or sports initiative that has needed it. However, this does not solve the big problems – they require serious work and a clear strategy at the management level.

– It is clear that everything depends on the management of the state, on the people in power. Except that after over 30 years of “democracy” we are the poorest country in the EU.

– One of the main signs of developed countries is that there are no working poor. Anyone who makes an effort and works can afford a dignified existence, housing, food and everything necessary for the family. In Bulgaria, unfortunately, this is not the case and often those who work the hardest suffer the greatest hardships. For me, this is unacceptable – it is unacceptable that talented and diligent people leave the country because they do not have a chance for a normal standard of living, even though they work hard.

We must all protect our right to work and live normally. I am convinced that this can be achieved if Bulgaria adopts a stable and meaningful social policy, which again brings us back to what is happening in the National Assembly.

As a parent and employer, I want to fight for this right of ours. That's why I chose “DPS – A new beginning” because it is high time for a new beginning – modern and innovative. In each of my endeavors, I have also made it impossible for my clients and employees to have access to the latest generation technologies. This is what all Bulgarians deserve – at work, in everyday life and for every service we use. Innovation saves time and money that we can invest in important tasks, entertainment and rest. They optimize processes and bring satisfaction to each of us. I am an optimist, I believe in the modern future of our city and country, and I will work for it.

I want to tell the people of Plovdiv that our beloved city gave me the opportunity to build a successful business, to create an environment of meaningful people around me, but most importantly – to build a healthy and stable family. I respect everyone's choice, but I think that despite modern society, we should bet on the tested morals and values that have preserved us as a nation. They must be brought up both in every home and at the level of state policy.

In this sense, I see that young people need a good example among politicians, and I immodestly consider myself one. Values are brought up by actions, it's high time I set a personal example.


Boiko Kachulev was born and spent his whole life in Plovdiv. He is a successful businessman, a loyal employer of more than 120 people and an entrepreneur with proven social service activity. His boutique hotel The Emporium Plovdiv is the best 5-star hotel in the Balkans for 2022, awarded by the Balkan Alliance of Hoteliers.