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Turkey: US must put pressure on Israel

This will end the crisis in Gaza

Май 4, 2024 17:15 32

Turkey: US must put pressure on Israel  - 1

The US is one of the countries that can contribute to the quick resolution of the crisis in the Gaza Strip. To do this, they must put pressure on Israel. “One of the countries that will stop this war is the US, they must increase the pressure on Israel”, said Fuat Oktay, head of the international affairs committee of the Turkish parliament. quoted by Haber Global TV channel.< /p>

According to Oktay, who visited the US at the head of the Turkish parliamentary delegation, there are disagreements between Ankara and Washington regarding the situation in Gaza. They are related in particular to the angle from which the parties look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the lawmaker said. “The events that led to the death of over 35,000 people cannot be expressed by the paradigm of the radical Palestinian movement Hamas, the Palestinian issue has existed for almost 100 years,” he said.

„Turkey has no problems with the people of Israel, the problem is the violence and policies that the administration of this country is carrying out in Gaza. A quick ceasefire in Gaza and ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid to the region are the main priorities for Turkey, Oktay noted.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan previously stated that he does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization.