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June 8, 632. The prophet Muhammad died in Medina

The prophet and his followers were forced to flee the city

Jun 8, 2024 03:24 430

On June 8, 632, Muhammad Ibn Abdallah died in Medina - the founder of Islam and a prophet.

He was born about 570/571 in Mecca. Descended from the Quraish family of the Hashemites, which held important political and spiritual offices in Mecca.

His father Abdallah, who traded with Syria, died in 570, leaving his wife Amina pregnant with Muhammad, recalls "Focus".

She died soon after giving birth, and the boy was taken in by his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib. When the grandfather also died, Muhammad was taken care of by his uncle Abu Talib, the owner of caravans with which he traded with Syria.

At the age of 25, Muhammad left his uncle and entered the service of the rich widow from Mecca - Khatija, whom he married. Khatija Mohammed had 8 children (4 sons and 4 daughters) who died early.

Influenced by the monotheistic teachings of the Hanifites, by Judaism and Christianity, Muhammad began his preaching activity (610), presenting himself as a “messenger of God".

The Quraysh elite in Mecca opposed Muhammad and his followers and declared war on them.

The prophet and his followers are forced to flee the city.

The Day of Flight (Hijra) - June 16, 622,

places the beginning of the Mohammedan era. Muhammad and his like-minded people settled in the city of Yathrib, north of Mecca.

The Prophet became the Emir of the city, now called Medina (“city of the Prophet"). Muhammad fought with Mecca to impose the new religion and in 630 the Meccans recognized him as a Prophet.

In 632 he made his “Farewell Pilgrimage" in Mecca, then spoke on Mount Arafat to 40,000 pilgrims.

Muhammad was buried in Medina, and his tomb is an object of pilgrimage.